the xx

214 31 6

Direct message > with Calum5SOS

darcyisapizza: calum

Calum5SOS: tell me

darcyisapizza: the list is finishing :(

Calum5SOS: really? is this the last?

darcyisapizza: almost

Calum5SOS: oh :(

darcyisapizza: but it's the xx

Calum5SOS: they're good

darcyisapizza: all their songs are gods, they're sad and happy at the same time, can't explain it

darcyisapizza: angels and chained are explications by itself

Calum5SOS: i haven't heard that ones

darcyisapizza: you should

Solo queda una banda, ay mai. Estoy segura de que podéis adivinar cual.

-alwaysyours ♡

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