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The boy smiled when the girl opened the door and he put back his mobile phone in his jeans' pocket. She covered her mouth with her hands and she ran to hug her friend, who hid her between his strong arms.
Tears started rolling down her face, with the makeup. She has missed him a lot, just as he has missed her. He may be her idol, but also she's in love with him thanks to those conversations on Twitter. And he secretly loves her. When he realized she was crying, he used his fingers to dry her tears.

"Shh, don't cry, I'm here now with you." He whispered while they both were still hugging.

Some minutes later, they were lied in the grass, watching each other's eyes and smiling. Music was playing in her mobile phone with all the bands they have talked about.

"What are you doing here?" She asked looking at his precious eyes.
"Tour has finished and I thought: why do not visit my friend from Spain? I got your adress from your best friend and here I am" He smiled.
"Listen, Calum, I have something to tell you."
"I also have something to tell you. Let me talk first please, if I don't, I'll lose the courage to say it." He looked at her directly at her eyes and she let him talk with a hand move "I'm in love with you since a long time. I was dying to tell you. I love you so much and this is why I am here."
"I love you too, Calum. That's what I wanted to tell you. I'm also in love with you..." He smiled while she blushed.
"Be my girlfriend, please" He said while Give Me Love was playing on the phone, the 5SOS cover
"But the distance..." She whispered
"There's not gonna be distance. You have already finished school so you can move to my house in Sidney. I've saved you a place in the university for the career you told me you wanted to study" He said. "Please..."

She smiled, she placed her hand in his cheek and kiss him. Their lips were moving slowly, making a sweet kiss. They both closed their eyes to enjoy the sensation of their lips finally together.

"I love you, Izzy" He whispered
"I love you, my stupid boyfriend, Calum..." She smiled and kissed him again

Antes de nada, quería deciros que, aunque este sea el epílogo, aún queda un capítulo extra que me he permitido escribir, después de eso, finalmente nos despediremos de esta novela que tanto he amado escribir.
-alwaysyours ♡

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