the 1975

299 47 14

Direct message > with Calum5SOS

Calum5SOS: How many bands haven't you say to me yet?

darcyisapizza: pfff... a lot

Calum5SOS: Okay, so go on

darcyisapizza: the next is the 1975

Calum5SOS: I love Chocolate

darcyisapizza: me too, it's delicious

Calum5SOS: no, idiot, the song

darcyisapizza: i know, i was joking. but it isn't the only song they have

darcyisapizza: my friend show me the band and I just fell in love with them

darcyisapizza: "you" and "me" are perfect

Calum5SOS: I know, honey, I know, we're meant to be

darcyisapizza: idiot, they are songs

Calum5SOS: oh :(

Otra banda genial. Amo las canciones mencionadas y la verdad es que no los conozco mucho.

-alwaysyours ♡

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