vampire weekend

200 31 9

Direct message > with Calum5SOS

Calum5SOS: ignore what Michael said

darcyisapizza: mmm... okay

Calum5SOS: keep talking about your bands

darcyisapizza: vampire weekend is the next one

darcyisapizza: do you know them?

Calum5SOS: yeah, I've heard some songs

darcyisapizza: their music is unique, you can try to mimic their songs but there aren't going to be two oxford comma, step or diane young, they're like maddy ellwanger in a group

darcyisapizza: and without being creepy

Calum5SOS: sounds great

darcyisapizza: they're great

Calum5SOS: I believe you

Hola. No los conozco. Bye

-alwaysyours ♡

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