all time low

365 46 22

Direct message > with Calum5SOS

darcyisapizza: well, i'm going to let you guess what it's the next band

Calum5SOS: But I'm so bad guessing... :(

darcyisapizza: okay... it's all time low

Calum5SOS: I knew it

darcyisapizza: ¬¬ 

Calum5SOS: my lads, they're amazing

darcyisapizza: and jack is a version of michael

Calum5SOS: So true

darcyisapizza: i love their new album "future hearts" (i have got it) 

darcyisapizza: and rian is love ♡

Calum5SOS: I am love

darcyisapizza: you are jelous of my idols, that's all

Hablemos de lo mucho que amo Future Hearts. ¿Cuál es vuestra canción de la banda? La mía es probablemente Therapy, Runaways o Missing You

-alwaysyours ♡

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