chase atlantic

257 34 16

Direct message > with Calum

Calum5SOS: I have a question

Calum5SOS: How do you know all these bands?

darcyisapizza: idk, i just found them and love them

Calum5SOS: Okay, neeeeeeeeext

darcyisapizza: chase atlantic

Calum5SOS: Oh, I know them; why do you like them?

darcyisapizza: bc their music is new and refreshing, and when i'm too much saturated it reminds me that i'm not in uk, in a the who's concert

darcyisapizza: it's like: keep your feet in the groun, you're not in the tardis with the doctor and radiohead

Calum5SOS: *lmao* you're amazing

darcyisapizza: i know

Recuerdo haber escuchado como cuatro canciones de ellos y aún tengo que escuchar el nuevo álbum, ups. Debéis escucharlos, enserio

-alwaysyours ♡

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