Direct message > with Calum5SOS
darcyisapizza: do you know what day is today?
Calum5SOS: 19th September
darcyisapizza: and...
Calum5SOS: your birthday?
darcyisapizza: our anniversary as friends, I didn't go to school for three days to go to your concert and you ask me for my twitter and here we are
Calum5SOS: true, happy anniversary then
darcyisapizza: happy anniversary, cal
darcyisapizza: i love the smits btw
darcyisapizza: because they reach into the part of you where you feel the weakest, the most vulnerable and the most unacceptable and glorify it, make it heroic
Calum5SOS: yeah, they are amazing
Hace como dos meses que escucho The Smiths y me encantan, enserio.
-alwaysyours ♡
bands :: cth
Random"just a list of bands bc I love them as much as I love you" :: calum thomas hood :: Historia dedicada en su totalidad a @pizzaisthenewblack bc es un amor de persona y porque la quiero mucho. Totalmente original. Prohibida la copia o reproducción. To...