Chapter 15 : Echoes Of The Forgotten Hero

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Echoes Of The Wixx

Chapter 15: Echoes Of The Forgotten Hero

As Zephyr stepped into the dimly-lit inn room, her heart raced with the echoes of the day's chaos. The adrenaline from the arena still coursed through her veins, while anxious thoughts swirled in her mind. She set the potions and bandages on the small wooden table by the window. "Alister," she began, her voice trembling slightly, "I..."

She gulped while she pondered on what Alister would respond with. She could feel the sweat drip down her arms.

"Zephyr, are you feeling alright maybe you should sit or..." Alister said while beginning to worry about Zephyr's health over his own.

Zephyr's voice was firm now, cutting off Alister mid sentence. She took a deep breath, steadying herself to reveal the truth. "I did something today, something reckless."

Alister raised his brows with concern. "What do you mean? You're safe, right?"

Zephyr bit her lip, uncertainty gnawing at her. "I fought in your name, Alister. I entered the arena as you. I hid my appearance with an old cloak and claimed to have been you."

For a moment, silence enveloped the room as Alister processed her words. The smile slipped from his face, replaced by a mixture of surprise and disbelief. "You did what?"

"I had to! I needed to prove to myself that I could handle this—handle everything that's coming. But..." Zephyr hesitated, the weight of her actions settling heavily on her shoulders. "I'm not sure how I did it. I didn't think I'd survive, but I fought, and... I won."

Alister stared at her, a storm of emotions flickering in his eyes. "You put yourself in danger to impersonate me? Zephyr, you could have died!"

"I know!" she snapped back, her frustration spilling forth. "But I also proved to myself that I'm stronger than I thought. I need you to understand that I'm more than just a..."

"...a sidekick?" Alister finished for her, his tone a mix of annoyance and concern. "You're not just that to me, Zephyr. You're vital! Your safety matters more than this absurd tournament. You didn't need to prove anything to anyone—especially not by putting your life on the line."

A fiery argument brewed beneath the surface, but Zephyr was determined to stay calm. "I need to be strong, Alister. We have a year and a half until we face Vahntas and—"

Suddenly, the door creaked open, interrupting their heated exchange. A tall, shadowed figure stood at the threshold, his presence commanding attention. It was the man in the black tuxedo. The atmosphere shifted, tension coiling tightly around them both.

"Pardon the intrusion," he said smoothly, a sly smile playing on his lips, "but I believe we need to have a word about your recent... "adventure" and the little secret you've chosen to keep."

Alister tensed, his protective instincts kicking in as he shot an worried look at Zephyr. "Who is this?" Alister said while gripping his blade while having his back on the head board of the bed.

The man stepped inside, closing the door quietly behind him. "A friend... or a foe. That depends on your perspective, Alister."

"Let's talk," he said, his grin widening. "There are truths that need revealing." Alister swung his legs over the side of the bed, revealing crimson-stained bandages that clung to his skin.

"So, that's how you turned out after that fight, Alister," the stranger said, tossing a small, angular bottle towards him.

"Who are you, and what is this?" Alister studied the bottle suspiciously as it landed on the bed, shining in the low light.

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