Chapter 2: Echoes Of Sadness

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Chapter 2

Echoes Of Sadness

As the cloaked figure shuts the door behind her, the light of the sunrise gleams through the cracks. She removes her cloak and tosses it onto the floor where she makes eye contact with her father. Her father, with a worried face, says "My darling Zephyr why are you home so late? You left yesterday morning and have not been home since, is everything okay?"

Zephyr is ashamed; she doesn't have anything to show for it other than a glass bottle with blue liquid and a loaf of bread. Zephyr begins to have tears run down her eyes while trying to explain. I was out working to get your medicine and get food for today." Her father musters a small smile and begins to cry without saying anything but thinking how big of a burden he is on his daughter. "My dear Zephyr, you don't have to stick around just for me. Live your life the way you want to and pursue those dreams you have. You tell me ever so often you dream of traveling and adventuring out in this large world that the gods have so kindly given us. Your time is precious, you will only be young for so long and you should find the one person and start a family before you get any older." Zephyr still tears running down her face absorbing what her father had just said but shakes her head in disagreement.

"Father, I love you and you deserve to enjoy your life as well. You may be bound to the bed due to your illness however, there are plenty of memories that can be created within these four walls." Zephyr had said while sitting on the bed her father was lying on while handing him the blue liquid. Her father chugs the medicine and hands the glass bottle back to Zephyr. Thank you Zephyr, I will always love you said her father while going back to bed.

Zephyr's tears had stopped and dried from her cheek. She got up from the bed, got onto the floor with a thin cover, and instantly went to bed. Her father then looked over onto the ground and decided to write a letter and when he was finished he placed it next to her. Right after he muttered "I love you and always will my dear Zephyr" before drinking a suspicious red drink and lying back down.

Hours have passed and Alister is headed to the master guild while thinking about yesterday. Alister thinks about the attack from yesterday and how maybe he was a little rough on the poor girl. He remembers the beautiful blonde hair she had and her soft, pale face and begins to blush. Shaking his head while trying to focus on obtaining a quest for the day so he can get some money. As he walks, he just can't stop thinking about her about their conflict from yesterday and how she did help even though he was almost robbed. "Though, maybe she needed the money and maybe I should have just given it to her. Next time I see her I'll give her some money and apologize for being too rough." He said out loud while speaking to himself.

While he continues on this path to the guild he sees long blonde hair in the wind and he realizes the blonde hair looks exactly like the girl's hair from last night. When Alister looks back he imagines it's her and calls out for her by saying "Miss, excuse me". The lady with the blonde hair turns while crying and sobbing, holding a crumpled piece of paper. She looks back at Alister and realizes it's the guy from yesterday. She begins to sprint away thinking Alister is pissed about yesterday. As she sprints away, walls begin to form around boxing her in. Alister uses magic to stop her in her tracks so they can talk however she seems terrified.

She falls onto the ground out of fear and asks for mercy...Again. Alister finally walks up to her, towering over her, squats down to her level, and smiles before talking to her. "Hello, I'm Alister and I would like to know three things. One, why did you attack me yesterday? Two, Do you know who I am and who my family are? Three, Why are you crying?" Alister, with a smile on his face patiently waits for a reply to at least one of the questions; however, Zephyr won't stop crying and sobbing.

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