Chapter 4: Echoes Within Drake's Keep

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Echoes Of The Wixx

Chapter 4: Echoes Within Drake's Keep

After a few days of preparation, Alister and Zephyr are ready to begin making their way to Drake's keep. Over the last few days, Zephyr has begun to trust Alister more and more, even seeing him as a friend. Though, She knows this won't last, making sure she is going to cherish every moment of it.

As they walk down a path in the endless fields of flowers Zephyr takes a moment to look around. The flowers sway back and forth and the trees russell in the wind. Zephyr puts her hood down to reveal long, sparkling blond hair that now moves with the wind. Alister stood there fixated on her hair and how perfect this moment was. The once lonely Alister now has someone whom he can call a friend and a traveling companion.

As they walked, Alister saw a large tree in the distance. "How about we stop there and get something to eat?" Alister Suggested. "That sounds like a splendid idea," Zephyr said while turning around and putting her hair behind her ear. Alister's face begins to turn red in that moment thinking to himself how beautiful she looks in that very moment. A red-faced Alister walked past Zephyr so she couldn't see his face change color.

They eventually made it to the tree where Alister would begin unpacking some of his gear so they could cook some food. As he was setting up for them to eat, Zephyr had walked on over to some gorgeous white orchids when she then bent down and enjoyed the aroma of the flowers. These flowers reminded her of her childhood and Zephyr began to remember some of her young memories.

Zephyr grew up in a village that unfortunately would see its end to some orcs. But, before all that, this village was quite small with maybe a dozen or so homes surrounded by endless fields where all the residents were farmers. However, in the middle of the village, there was a patch of flowers that would grow every summer and they smelled heavenly. The sweet smell of the flowers would attract everyone in the village to come and smell these flowers and they look as heavenly as they smelled.

However, on one fateful day, the orcs invaded this small village burning it to the ground. This is unfortunately where Zephyr's mother would meet her end. As the creatures set the fields and homes ablaze Zephyr's father grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder. The last thing the young Zephyr saw was the patch of flowers trampled and crushed by the creatures.

After a bit of time, Zephyr snapped out of it and headed back to where Alister had finished making food and was ready to eat some freshly made food. They would sit there and enjoy the scenery and the warm meal.

After a while, they got to the outskirts of the keep. Soon they reached the top of the hill and were in shock at what they saw. A battlefield scattered with arrows and spears. Banners littered the battlefield as well as swords and other gear on the ground. One could tell this battle took place ages ago due to the skulls on pikes that were in front of the keep.

As Alister and Zephyr approached the keep they didn't see any form of life anywhere in sight. The large wooden drawbridge was down already as well as covered with arrows from an assault. As the two walked into the keep, the walls were covered in moss and cracks in the wall from the assault. The red, long rug had been torn from all angles and stomped all over with muddy boots. The partings that showed the family lineage hung from the walls that were still intact by some miracle.

As they continued the darkness began to swallow the light and make things more interesting. Alister then grabs a stick from the ground, finds some materials on the ground, and begins to chant the spell for a flame. After Alister gets a torch lit so they can continue, he begins to ask Zephyr some questions. "Hey, Just wondering, is this the first adventure you've ever been on?" Zephyr then shakes her head. "Yeah, I've never been too keen on fighting. My method of fighting is to hide in the shadows and strike at the right time." "I can tell," Alister said with a chuckle. "When it comes to your agility you are a very formidable foe". She gave him a stern look before their attention was given to the strange figure ahead.

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