Chapter 5: Echoes of Revenge

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Echoes Of The Wixx

Chapter 5: Echoes Of Revenge

Alister had one knee on the ground and began to breathe heavily due to their fight, Vahntas began to approach him. Zephyr shaked in fear as the dulhan continued to walk closer to them. Vahntas threw his sword over his shoulder and was in swinging distance of ending Alister; however, Vahntas laughed before talking to Alister. "This is what you have to offer in terms of strength? This is all a Wixx like you can do, pathetic. Before I cut your head off I suppose I could tell you why I have a vendetta with Wixx.

Before becoming the undead champion, I was a well-respected merchant in a town that no longer exists. I was known around the country as one of the most wealthy merchants around. My wealth went from nothing to something in a matter of years with hard work and determination. However, being wealthy can set a target on one's back. Knowing this however I would give some of this wealth to family, and friends and donate some to the church however, this wouldn't end up helping at all.

I had been gone for nearly three weeks before I was able to return home and see my wife. I would have been staying home for a while when I arrived there due to us expecting a child. As the wagon began to approach the town I would get more and more excited with every passing minute.

Eventually, I arrived at my manor and was unable to see anyone guarding the entrance. This made me very uneasy as my mind began to race. I then would take the wagon to the front of the manor and what I had seen would shock me beyond belief. Two guards lay lifeless on the ground and dry blood could be seen on the ground. So, I continued to panic entered the open door, and began searching for my wife.

After some time, however, there was no sign of her anywhere, when I entered our bedroom I saw a note with a blade holding it up on the wall. What do you think it said Wixx? Well, don't worry I'll tell you what they said."If you would like to see your wife again, you must give us all your gold coins and come alone. If we see just one other person with you, she will be killed on the spot. Meet us in the garden in the back of the manor and we will hopefully see you there."

After opening the folded letter that was pinned to the wall, some of my wife's hair had fallen out from within, and red spots could be seen on the letter.

I could not hold back and I began to cry and sob right where I had opened and read the letter. This was my fault, I thought. "If I hadn't been so greedy, we wouldn't have been in this situation.

A while later I would meet with four armed men in black cloaks as well as my wife who had a burlap sack over her head and had been tied by the wrist and ankles. "Here's your money," I told them in rage. The men chuckled picked up the heavy sack and threw her over to me. I would embrace her while tears ran down my cheek. I would then pull the sack off her face and see that my wife was lifeless. Lifeless I said Wixx. I would shake her and untie her however she had passed away a while ago. My wife and my child to be taken from me by your ancestors all in one night.

The men in cloaks would then laugh at me and the leader of the pack would begin to say something along the lines of "I'm sorry to say however she's dead and has been dead for a while now" As he said while laughing menacingly.

I would continue to embrace her while tears ran down my eyes. "How dare you guys do something so horrible to innocent people. What did we ever do to you to deserve anything like this"? The leader's laughter began to die down before speaking again. "Well, you see the price for you and your wife's head is worth so much gold and as we are going to kill you anyway I'll explain it to you. We are known as the Wixx and we are incredibly strong mercenaries who will do anything for gold. Some of your competitors have put a bounty out on you and want your head before we get paid.

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped unsure what to say but hoped this was all a nightmare but unfortunately, it wasn't. "Any final words or requests before you are killed"? Before anything could be said, shards of ice would fly from the sky impaling each one of them by surprise.

This mage would then approach me and would pay his respects to my wife. "Where would you like you to bury her? '' The mysterious mage would ask.

After burying my wife and filling the hole back up, I remember I fell to my knees sobbing and crying for hours when it eventually began to rain. While in the rain he had stopped crying and sobbing and would look up into the night sky before making a promise to his wife's grave. "You will be avenged, you and our unborn child, I swear I will Eliminate those who killed you and I'll eliminate their future generations to come if it's the last thing I'll do". The mage would then approach me and grant me powers. However, my appearance would be frightening and it would come at a cost I would take this opportunity to use this to seek my revenge. I was granted Immortality however I had to become a dulhan However, this did not bother me one bit.

Years would pass and he would kill and torture those from that faithful night. Not only that but he would spend years searching out even more power and strength to eliminate the damn Wixx.

After decades of hunting out the Wixx, I would come across the mage again. It has been 120 since my wife's death. and after all this time he still hunted the Wixx leaving very little remaining. This is the last time I would see the mage but, I'd always be in his debt."

"So, did you like my story?" Vahntas would say as he raises his blade in the air about to end Alister. With no time to respond, Alister took a step with his left leg and put all the power he could muster into one attack. As he swung his blade, it met equal resistance from the black, greatsword. Sparks fly into the sky when the two blades make contact.

Zephyr, wasting no time at all, got low and would strike him while both hands were occupied. As she got into swinging distance, she swung her dagger aiming for his chest; however, what she didn't see at the time was that Vahntas was only using one hand on the blade. As she swung, the free hand of the champion would grab her by the neck and throw her across the room giving him a chance to overpower Alister.

"You want to see my true strength Wixx? Fine, I'll show you as I did to the others in this country. Oh, did I not tell you the exciting news? That estate of the Wixx was decimated about three months ago". Vahntas said while laughing while putting both hands on the blade.

The force was incredible, making the ground below Alister's feet shake. Alister, barely holding his own, couldn't find a way out of this; however, he wasn't going to be beaten so easily.

The walls around them began to shake and crumble around them. Alister continued to get lower and lower to the ground due to the weight of the black blade.

Zephyr had been unconscious now for a few minutes but the shaking had woken her up and when she looked at Alister she didn't know what to do. She did however think of a way to help him.

As Alister had reached his limit, his blade began to crack, and as his blade snapped into pieces Zephyr tackled him pushing Alister out of the way making Vahntas's blade hit the ground creating a strong shockwave throughout the keep. Alister, still in one piece, looks at Zephyr. "Thank you for saving me." He said while in pain. "We still gotta get out of the keep before you can say thank you," Zephyr said while helping Alister up so they could make it out before the keep collapsed.

They eventually made it out without either of them dying. As the rubble of the keep began to settle, at the top of the rubble stood the Undead Champion Vahntas as if nothing had even happened. "I will seek you out and I will slaughter all the Wixx. I'll be coming for you shortly, just wait and see." As Vahntas walked away a sigh of relief could be heard from both Zephyr and Alister as they lay in the meadows.

"Are you okay Zephyr?" Alister said while bruised and bleeding from various parts of his body. "I'm fine but you need to be healed," she said with panic in her voice. Alister then drinks the remaining potions that he had on him as well as using any magic he had left to cast heal onto them both.

The orange glow on the horizon began to shine throughout the meadow. Alister, now able to stand and walk, went up to Zephyr and hugged her. Zephyr was unsure what made Alister hug her but she didn't reject it and hugged back. The two set up camp under a tree and watched the sunrise.

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