Chapter 12: Echoes Of The Unseen

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Echoes Of The Wixx

Chapter 12: Echoes Of The Unseen

"Ladies and gentlemen tonight starts the 32nd annual "Gift Of The Gods" event. With our first fight of the night, you know them, you love this slithery creature, you saw his victory against the minotaur, it's the Naga! And on the other side of the arena is a mysterious man who for some reason willingly puts his life on the line in a life or death tournament, a young man built like a bull, Alister!" 

The two entered the arena from their respective areas. The Naga slithered into the arena with its trusty spear in hand. The crowds roars and cheers could be heard from all over as the Naga had entered the arena. After a bit, Alister then began to walk into the arena and everyone went completely silent as he walked into the middle of the arena.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road! Drop the border!"

After the announcer finished speaking, the edges of the arena fell and began to fill with lava and the center also dropped allowing the lava to fill the hole.

"Lastly folk the only way to win is to spill the blood of your opponent and the only way to lose is, well to have your blood all over the arena. Are you ready?" The Naga began to slither towards Alister, about five times his height the Naga towered over him in confidence.

"Are you kidding me? Thisss will be easssy! Thisss will take a few momentsss at bessst!" The Naga slithered around Alister while laughing and trying to entertain the crowd.

"Don't underestimate me, for I will be your demise!" Alister drew both blades and bent down at an angle ready to attack. The Naga laughed at Alister as Alister prepared for this battle. 

"What do you think thossse kitchen knifesss will do for you?" The Naga finished talking and let out a laugh that was followed by the audience.

"Okay ladies and gentleman, this is it with all introductions out of the way let's start this. Ready, FIGHT!!!"

The Naga slammed its spear onto the ground creating a shockwave on the ground creating a large sound echoing throughout the underground city. However, this didn't phase Alister instead Alister charged  head first at the Naga creating an X mark with his blades. The Naga stood still as he watched Alister approach him at a rapid pace. Alister's blades made contact with the Naga, cutting through the flesh, causing blood to drip from the cut. The Naga severely underestimated his foe and slithered away creating distance between the two.

"You are the firssst person in a long time to cut me you know! I haven't had to ussse this in a long time."

The Naga then began to point its spear at Alister and said some words. Unable to hear what the Naga was saying, Alister continued to charge at the Naga. Multiple bolts of lightning emerged from the spear. Alister, being swift on his feet, dodged the lightning bolts. The Naga became more worried as he continued to maintain distance. Alister continued to close the distance and began to smile.

"What are you sssmiling about? You are probably ssssmiling because you think you have it all figured out ,don't you?

Alister then began the incantation for a spell before swinging his blade in the direction of the Naga. Alister then changed up his tactic. Alister began to approach the Naga from the right side while continuously dodging bolts of lighting that were being hurled his way. The Naga trying to keep the distance then began to head left until a painful feeling overwhelmed the Naga.

"What hasss happened to me?" The Naga looked down at his tale, noticing that it was no longer connected. This made the Naga unstable and couldn't move very far.

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