Fire (4)

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If Mi Yong was to be honest, Park Joon-woo disappointed him.

The expectations he had of this team were shattered the moment their average rank was revealed, '34'... The number still haunted Mi Yong's dreams. And when the 2nd highest rank member admitted to struggling with dance, his shatter world was somehow crushed into smaller and smaller pieces.

But when they began to learn the 'Fire' choreography, Park Joon-woo's case wasn't as bad as it had been discussed. In fact, as Mi Yong watched him go over the moves with expectations set to the basement floor, he realized Park Joon-woo had memorized the movements after just two demonstrations.

This surprised Mi Yong and he too, fumbled at the realization. But he had been thrown right back into reality when Joon-woo's body seemed to move stiffly along. It was as if the kid had a brain too skilled for his body.

Still, despite Joon-woo being one of the younger contestants on the show, the instructor seemed to show no mercy, constantly pointing out flaws that were sure, obvious, but they were obvious in the eyes of Joon-woo too. And the thought couldn't help but cross his mind, how could someone who couldn't dance well be ranked 13th? As even the 27th place nagging at his side was better.

Mi Yong shrugged, walking into the practice room for the second day of preparation for their demonstration of 'Fire'. He expected to be first, he always was first in the practice room while in Winner. He was the first to wake, the last to leave, and the one who always walked into a night-set dorm, quietly shutting doors to avoid waking his sleeping bandmates.

But when he walked into the practice room his team had been designated, Park Joon-woo was there. Park Joon-woo stood, 'Fire' playing from his phone, face already wet with sweat and his hair tied back into a short ponytail. Besides Joon-woo was Contestant Reggie Lee, who Mi Yong only vaguely remembered.

As Joon-woo did what he knew, Reggie was correcting him in areas, giving him pointers and even doing a demonstration in the short time Mi Yong had watched them.

But what was most surprising, was the improvement in Joon-woo's motions. His movement seemed cleaner, as if rigorously swept over and brushed off in shine. He seemed to be a bit faster too, now keeping up with the fast-beat chorus.

Of course, he still faltered. Mi Yong caught a few mistakes in Joon-woo's movement as he watched. And he continued to, until Reggie spotted Mi Yong's figure from the mirror. Quickly he turned, getting Joon-woo's attention.

Joon-woo's short figure, looked up at Reggie, and quickly shooed him away. With a slightly red face he looked at Mi Yong, "Good afternoon, Hyung..." He greeted with a small bow.

Reggie sent Joon-woo a small wave as he exited their practice room, but Joon-woo didn't reply. Instead he was too busy chanting apologies about Reggie's appearance to Mi Yong.

"I'm very sorry that he was in here... He was just–" Joon-woo went to explain in a short bow, but Mi Yong raised his hand as if to silence Joon-woo.

"It's fine. He was helping you, right?" Mi Yong asked, waving the younger off.

Joon-woo's mouth went agape, "Yes. He was helping me..."

Mi Yong smiled, "That's nice of him."

Joon-woo quickly nodded, "Y-yes! Reggie-Hyung is very nice."

Mi Yong smiled at that, as Reggie was ranked 39th, making it so Mi Yong paid no mind to him. But after seeing his almost spot on demonstration for Joon-woo, he looked at the practice room door Reggie had just left through with a raised eyebrow.

"Hmm. Is he a good dancer?" Mi Yong asked, a bit curious as both he and Joon-woo had seemed to be close.

Joon-woo nodded, avoiding eye contact, "Yes. He dances very well."

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