Watch Party (2)

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On screen, Reggie's team entered the stage. The camera had awkwardly edited Reggie to be some sort of secret weapon. Cutting his dialogue during practices off, shadowing his appearance, and not even teasing his dance in the little pre-performance clips.

Reggie watched the screen intently at this editing, touch tucked under his tooth with his mouth wide into a smile.  "They're really setting me up here." Reggie admired curiously.

Reggie's mother approached her son with a large smile, "'Cause you're a good dancer." She praised as if no one was watching. Then, turning to the group. "Ah– Have I told you all about how Reggie started dancing?"

Reggie's face suddenly got red and his eyes wide, "Ma!" He cried, nodded his head vigorously at her as if to drive her away from speaking.

Joon-woo tilted his head, non-verbally curious. Mi Yong, however, verbalized such: "Ehh? Now you gotta tell us!" He said, sitting up from Jung Hyun-Ok's lap with an eager expression.

Reggie paled, "Ah, no! Ma..." He whined, shooting Mi Yong a glare.

Reggie's mom smiled wide at Mi Yong's eagerness to get dirt on Reggie and sighed, "Before you go, remind me to tell you..." She loudly whispered into Mi Yong's ear.

Mi Yong cheered, sending a teasing finger Reggie's way.

They turned their attention back to the TV. Where Reggie's team at the time, Team Five, began to move to loud music. And not even a few seconds later, they included about three different reactions to Reggie's sharp and precise starting moves.

It then cut to an interview scene.

"How did it feel to practice with a Park Youngsoo and secret weapon Reggie?"

The interviewer asked off screen. The contestant scratched at his cheek, Joon-woo recognized as one of the people that had been eliminated.

"Seeing them made me think– "I must try harder!"

They cut to another interview of another, not yet eliminated contestant.

"They're really on another level, Park Youngsoo and Reggie."

Joon-woo smiled a bit, as at this time, Reggie was ranked 39th and Park Youngsoo was in 5th. Reggie also seemed to be a bit flustered by the praise, as if he hadn't realized it.

"You're a really great dancer..." Bo Jaesang muttered unconsciously as he watched the dancing on screen. "One day you have to give us a lesson, you know..."

Joon-woo could only nod along, because wasn't Reggie a genius? His movements were sharp and outshined the others. Whether he meant it or not, Reggie stood out the most in Joon-woo's biased eyes.

"Maybe I will." Reggie replied half-heartedly. He was focused onto the screen.

As Team Five's performance came to an end, Park Youngsoo stood in the center. The group was left a bit speechless, as the editing had only enhanced the performance further. It was well-deserving of the first place it got.

"Reggie, what did you do in America?" Jung Hyun-Ok inquired as various contestant audience interviews played on screen.

"I was in many dance groups..." Reggie vaguely replied.

Joon-woo peaked up at the reveal. Dance groups? Many? "Like the ones that dance in the streets?" He asked, referencing the various K-Pop cover groups he had seen all over the internet.

Reggie shook his head, then paused. "I mean, I've done the random dance challenges. But usually I only danced with my studio..." He explained, "But– I think we should watch now–" He began to get a little flustered at the attention, waving everyone off to the face of the TV.

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