The Downfall of Park Jangsoo (3)

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Producer10 is literally gonna be dead on arrival atp 💀💀💀💀 how many scandals have they had already?
3k reposts 567 quotes 10.4k likes

@naturemade127 replying to @eugene4life
Whenever that Joon-woo kid got beat up, Ryeo Hyun's bullying scandal, the vote rigging...

@santeez_ replying to @eugene4life
Ikrrrr i feel so bad for the contestants 😭😭😭 esp that Joon-woo kid bro, he sings so well

@05liners_ replying to @santeez_
Reggie too broooooo... they're so talented like sign them as a duo alr

@gurls4baeks replying to @santeez_
Don't even play that twink is literally such a snob

Producer Jang-Soo took a deep breath as he placed his phone on his desk.

"It's escalating." Carre hummed as her ears went airplane-like in annoyance, "If you don't pull some strings soon you can kiss the reputation of this show goodbye."

Producer Jang-Soo slammed his fist against the desk, but Carre's cat body didn't flinch. "I know, you don't need to tell me that when so many others' already have."

"Well what're you going to do then?" Carre continued, uncaring to Producer Jang-Soo's anger.

Producer Jang-Soo clenched his fists as if holding himself back. He looked towards the wired phone that connected to the speaker of the building. He picked it up and held it to his ear, pressing the button that brought static over the whole building.

"Park Joon-woo, report to my office. I repeat, Park Joon-woo report to my office." Producer Jang-Soo spoke, wearing the ever calm and cold voice he was known for. He knew it sent chills down many contestant's spines. He knew it did because he meant it to. Most of those kids cracked under more pressure.

Carre watched Producer Jang-Soo with an amused look. "Aren't you so calm and collected?" It sarcastically joked.

"Carre." Producer Jang-Soo warned.

"You don't scare me. One more slip up and I can take you right out of this timeline and send you to where you know you belong." The siamese cat watched the producer flinch at its words. "Be a good boy, and just do what you're needed for."

Producer Jang-Soo's expression was dampened. He glared at the siamese. "Is that kid in the same boat? Is his sponsor as much of a dick head as you?"

Carre chuckled, "That kid's sponsor is a pushover at its highest level. If anything he practically worships at the kid's feet. Aren't you the luckiest transmigratior to be?"

"Am I?" Producer Jang-Soo leaned against his chair.

Carre didn't reply, and a knock replaced the door.

"Producer-nim?" Joon-woo's all too innocent voice spoke from the other side. "You called?"

Carre chuckled, "He's funny." It muttered under its breath.

Producer Jang-Soo waved the siamese cat off. "Come in." He called. The calm and cool persona was gone.

Joon-woo complied, opening the office door with a confident ease. Contrary to Producer Jang-Soo's agitated state, Joon-woo appeared calm as could be. The producer knew what that meant, especially in this industry. It meant the other had more under his belt.

Joon-woo took a seat across from the producer's desk. Carre uncharacteristically sat up at the sight, staring at something on Joon-woo's shoulder. Producer Jang-Soo sent Carre a confused look.

"Did you need me for something?" Joon-woo asked in a voice that sounded a lot like the one he would use in interviews. A persona. Producer Jang-Soo knew those well.

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