Producer Troubles (4)

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Joon-woo was dressed in a loose but not revealing long sleeve white button up. His black pants were wrapped around his thighs and as they ran down his legs they slowly got looser. And when he looked into the mirror in front of him, he found himself with temporarily dyed blond hair.

Reggie, entering the backstage area, spotted Joon-woo and his eyes lit up. Joon-woo allowed the make-up artist to put some blush on his upper cheek. Reggie wore an outfit similar, though his hair was the same dyed blond it had always been.

"Wow– Joon-woo– Your make-up looks good..." Reggie complimented.

Joon-woo held back a small smile, "It's not finished yet, you know..." He replied.

The make-up artist watched the small interaction with narrowed eyes. Suddenly, she placed her hands on Joon-woo's shoulders and turned him and by proxy her to face the mirror.

"A face like yours doesn't need that much make-up." The make-up artist hummed the compliment. "You too, Reggie, it looks like you only have some blush and toner on..."

She smiled when both of the boys blushed, Reggie quite more so. They muttered low 'Thank you, Noona''s

"Well– You're all done anyway." She spoke, dismissing the two to converse on their own. And as she walked away, she muttered, "Oh to be young..."

Both Joon-woo and Reggie dead panned as they watched the make-up artist move on to do another's make-up. Reggie turned to Joon-woo with a small nervous smile, "[You ready?]"

Joon-woo slowly shook his head. Really, he wasn't nervous. He had gotten used to live stages, granted he really wasn't a fan, he knew what he was doing. He just had to do what he knew and what he had been practicing for days. He had to and would do it for his team. Afterall, three of the six final line up was on his team. He could never make them look bad, could he?

"[Yes.]" Joon-woo replied, "[And you?]" He was a bit surprised by the English they were speaking in, but it was always nice to speak your native language in nerve wracking situations, and that was the case for Reggie.

Reggie awkwardly scratched at his cheek, he leaned in and whispered, "[I'm really nervous, Joon-woo, I think I'm just scared to mess up...]"

It felt bittersweet, being able to witness and encourage Reggie on his first live stage. Joon-woo wondered, would Reggie remember him when he got fully used to live shows in the near future?

Just as Reggie went to lean back, Joon-woo placed a hand on Reggie's shoulder, keeping him from standing fully up. "[You'll do great and you'll prove you deserve to debut.]" Joon-woo encouraged.

Reggie nodded at the accented English, "[You too, then. You'll do great and debut too.]"

"Yes, let's debut." Joon-woo replied.


Kim So-yeon had everything she needed. A Team One banner for Joon-woo and Team Three banner for Mi Yong. She wasn't allowed to bring her camera and couldn't even record with her phone, but that was okay, because it made her feel even more special for getting these tickets.

She wore a long white skirt with a cropped puffer jacket over a cutesy plain colored and tucker tee. The mask over her face fogged at her glasses, so when she took her seat dead center in the middle, the stage seemed a bit blurry. She quickly cleaned them off, a large expansive stage opening in front of her.

The iconic Producer10 logo was shown on a large backdrop, the seats were loud with chatter and fangirls and even a few fanboys. They too, had their own team banners and Team One fans seemed to dominate the fans. Joon-woo and Reggie's friendship had gone quite viral, though the fame Joon-woo had gathered from the string of events made him one of the fan favorites.

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