Kim So-yeon narrowed her eyes at FYP. FYP was always overly critical and spaced with compliments. And even when he gave compliments, he always built them up to be an insult, making the nervous performer even more so for views.
"You guys..." FYP took a long and lengthy pause. "Honestly... were a mess."
Team One's Faces immediately deepened.
"It's like you barely spent a day working on this performance..." FYP huffed, even Misa nodding along beside him.
Kim So-yeon flipped off FYP through the screen. How dare he say that! Reggie looked defeated. FYP made Reggie look defeated!
"Contestant Baek Du-Ho, I understand there was no rap in this song, but versatility is important. And today, I saw no improvement in your vocals from the last challenge. A good idol can sing, dance, and rap, or at least two of the three." FYP was harsh, but Baek Du-Ho kept his cool demeanor.
Quickly, FYP evaluated the other two members with similar comments about weak vocals with little to no improvement. Kim So-yeon just wanted to see what he had to say about Reggie. Easily, in her fangirl bias, she thought Reggie to be the best.
"Contestant Kim Seo-jun, really, what was that? I understand performing an instrument and singing are hard to do one after the other, but even your playing was sloppy. Your voice is very under-practiced. I also understand that you're a dancer, but Reggie– your leader, who not only has weak Korean, but is also a dancer– was better than you." FYP sighed, "Really, I am the most disappointed in you."
Kim Seo-jun nodded, his expression hardening as he tried to hide his shame.
"Contestant Reggie Lee, honestly, I didn't think you'd ever make it this far in the competition." FYP began, an angry chat spam blew up even further.
Kim So-yeon stood from her desk. "What?!" She screeched loudly.
"Your vocals, your Korean knowledge, really– they were unsatisfactory." FYP continued, used to backlash. "But then, you grew and got a lot better. Today, you were the best out of the group. Your voice sounds more practiced, you hit higher notes well. Granted, you are still growing and need much more range to become a half-decent vocalist."
Reggie smiled a small smile. Kim So-yeon's anger immediately dropped at the expression.
"But, as a leader, I believe you have failed. Even without any dance, I could tell you guys were disconnected." FYP pointed out.
Reggie nodded as if acknowledging his failure, however, the raised cheeks of the smile remained.
"Your teammates, do you have anything to say to them?" FYP prompted.
Reggie rubbed at his chin for a moment. "U-um, I hope next time we can get along better. I will work on my Korean to help understand and communicate better. I'm truly sorry my Korean was too flawed during our practice time." He spoke after a few beats of silence.
Kim So-yeon nodded with a small frown at the words.
Noooo Reggie :(((
my bby your korean is good
was his korean mocked????
so there really was team drama...Misa picked up the microphone suddenly, "Contestant Reggie." She wrote on her notepad and held it up after a moment.
Reggie and the camera zoomed in on the words on the notepad.
"Jobuneun baek bopakppakssaigo ibuneun bak bopakppakssaida." –it read. It was a popular Korean Tongue twister.
"Please read this." Misa instructed.
Kim Seo-jun visibly tightened at the words.
Reggie nodded and took a deep breath.
"U-um, jobuneun b-baek bopakppakssaigo ibuneun bak bop– bopakppakssaida." Reggie replied as best he could.
Misa hummed in satisfaction and looked to FYP. "Did you understand that?" She asked.
FYP nodded.
"Contestant Seo-jun, did you understand that?" Misa suddenly asked.
Kim Seo-jun flinched up. He slowly nodded, "Y-yes..."
"Contestant Du-Ho, did you?" Misa moved on.
Baek Du-Ho nodded, "Yes."
Misa huffed, "Then I'm not understanding. How could there be language barrier issues if you guys can understand Reggie's Korean so well?"
Team One was silenced where they stood.
"As idols, it is very important to let go of your prejudice. All and I mean all eyes will be on you. Every comment you make and every look you give. No matter who is trying to help or lead you, a woman, a person of different race or religion, and even foreigners, you accept their help and play kind." Misa took a breath. "Team One, excluding Reggie, do you really want to be idols? If so, treat everyone with respect." She shook her head with a frown. "Please go back to your seats."
Team One, as disconnected as before, scurried off the stage. Only Reggie appeared to be happy.
Kim So-yeon was silenced. Had Reggie's team disrespected him because of his foreigner status? She clenched her fists. Evil, all of Team One was so evil. She wished to hug Reggie's sorrows away.
"Team Two, please take the stage." FYP requested, his voice downed with the results of the previous performance.
Kim So-yeon suddenly didn't give a flying fuck. After all, her two biases were coming up now! She squealed like the fangirl she was.
Joon-woo hid his expression well as he watched Reggie with proud eyes. The evaluation had gone as he wanted it to go. Reggie got the praise, and everyone else the belt. Reggie got the pity, and everyone else got the glares.
He adjusted the hems of his black maxi-skirt and pulled the sleeve of his red-black striped knit sweater to reveal his shoulder. His long hair was fully down and fell just below his shoulders and it was straightened. His shoes were black mary janes.
"Cutie gone hot..?!" Carre purred when she looked at Joon-woo. Kite slapped the cat weakly with his wing.
Mi Yong, because he was still a man deep down, stared when he first saw Joon-woo. Though Mi Yong himself, in black skinny jeans, a band shirt and a black leather jacket, didn't look too shabby. His iconic pink hair was dyed a more red-like shade, Joon-woo silently grieved it.
Ryeo Hyun, to accentuate his buff body, wore a black tank top with an angel-like design, long knee-length shorts with long boots that ran up his ankles.
The other two wore similar outfits to each other: poorly-cut but stylish oversized band tees, and converse variations. The only difference was one wore a maxi skirt similar to Joon-woo, and the other had baggy jeans.
All eyes were on them, even before they walked up to the mics. Next to Joon-woo's mic, placed promptly in the center, was an electric guitar. Joon-woo smiled at it, but just for a moment. Their whole concept was to seem serious and mysterious.
Contestants audibly cooed when they saw the team set up. Even if some of them disliked Joon-woo, the cameras made them acknowledge the visuals. Misa had bright eyes looking at Mi Yong and Joon-woo. FYP nodded with a serious expression.
Joon-woo slung the guitar over his body with ease, it was a familiar action. He looked to one of the cameras in front of him and kept a blank model-like face. Then, the music began.

The Second Chance of A Suicidal Idol
ActionJung Ha-rin, the infamously timid 29 year-old vocalist of the K-Pop group Cheerleader, wanted to die. Her life as an idol was nothing short of miserable. Her time in the K-Pop industry nothing short of killed her. The only way out of this hell was t...