Debut Prep (3)

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Joon-woo looked at his reflection in the mirror in front of him.

The foils that were in his hair were trashed off to the side as ASCEND's hairdresser smiled widely at Joon-woo. Her hand was over her mouth as she looked at Joon-woo's new hair. She was slightly blushing.

Joon-woo's black, shoulder length, and straight hair was now... blonde and curled? The hairdresser had even given him slight bangs. He looked unfamiliar to even himself.

"You look great." The hairdresser complimented her hand traveling to the nearest table to pick up a pair of fake round glasses.

She placed the glasses on Joon-woo's face. Her grin grew. He now fit the angelic image their company was trying to push...

Jung Hyun-Ok peaked over in Joon-woo's direction as best he could with his own hair in foils. He flashed a thumbs up in Joon-woo's way.

Joon-woo looked at himself in the mirror again. He didn't get why his hairdresser was so excited. Joon-woo grieved his normal looking hair. As Ha-rin, dye and bleach killed his hair badly. Was this gonna be the case with his new hair?

The door opened and Mr. Jeong walked in. Beads of sweat ran down his face as by his anxious and exhausted body language, he seemed to be in a rush.

Mr. Jeong approached Joon-woo and noticed the change in hair. Mr. Jeong's expression visibly softened.

"Joon-woo-ssi, you look good." Mr. Jeong complimented. He turned towards the hairdresser, "Is he done now Noona?"

The hairdresser nodded with a small thumbs up.

"What about Hyun-Ok-ssi?" Mr. Jeong asked, gesturing to the sleepy-eyed Jung Hyun-Ok with foils in his hair and a barber's cape over his body.

The hairdresser looked at the clock on the wall. "Give him a few more minutes..." She replied.

Mr. Jeong pursed his lips. They were in a rush and had schedules packed beyond belief. They were scheduled to have their first live stream in just a few minutes. He sighed and pulled out his phone and dialed to an all too familiar member, Mi Yong.

After two rings, Mi Yong picked up the phone.


"Ah, Yong-ssi..." Mr. Jeong hissed to himself. "Joon-woo and Hyun-Ok will be late to the live."

Silence from the other end.

"Oh... Okay. What time will you guys be here by?"

"Give or take ten minutes? Just stall, please." Mr. Jeong requested. He had already asked so much from Mi Yong and he was still to ask more?

Mi Yong sighed. "Okay."


"Hello Flights!" Mi Yong waved to a phone propped up on a tripod with a smile. He had a full face of make-up as did Reggie, Ryeo Hyun, and Baek Du-Ho beside him. "1, 2,3–" Mi Yong began, signaling for the others' to speak with him, "We are ASCEND!" They spoke in unison.

Ryeo Hyun sat on the couch while Mi Yong, Reggie, and Baek Du-Ho sat hugging their legs or criss-crossing on the carpeted floor.

It was Meverse live stream. The chat was filled with Korean and occasional English.

Predebut live???
where is JOON and K?
joon-woo where are youuu 🙁

"This is ASCEND's first live stream... We haven't had many updates since Producer10 so we went to interact with our beloved Flights..." Mi Yong explained.

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