PR (4)

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Across the Metube account of Producer10, were 40 pre-scheduled live streams, one for each remaining contestant. Even then were the standout contestants clear.

Mi Yong and Jung Hyun-Ok had chats with similar viewers. Both in the 2,000 range and with hundreds of likes even pre-stream. Their chats were both active with an array of half-censored death threats and arguments. 

@miyongsleftball_: omg ur just jealous cuz ur man can't even sing
@hyunokgf: girl don't even play... ur man can't even lead a team
@miyongsleftball_: now yk damn well...

Joon-woo was in a category of his own, just hitting the 1,000 range viewer wise. However instead of a chat of death threats and bickering fans like Mi Yong and Jung Hyun-Ok had, the chat was full of... mundane talks?

Ryeo Hyun and Bo Jaesang, while definitely not in dead last, but the viewer counts were just about the 300s, chats dead as could be in waiting.

The same proved for Reggie, who's viewer count was just below Joon-woo in the 800s. It was as if the fans were bonding pre-stream. Talking about their profound love for Joon-woo or Reggie, and some even both.

Already, shippers had infiltrated the fandom... with messages like–

@kpopgirlie123333: Their height difference is everything ♥️♥️♥️♥️
@pinkblack_ontop: the way they look at each other literally gives me butterflies
@mrcheese1111: ya'll r freaks!!!!! Joon-woo and Reggie are real people!!!

It was 2:55 P.M. and streams were set to start at 3:00 P.M.. However, as if the fan's impatience had been witness to the gods, the blank Producer10 theme screens that had been everchanging for almost an hour now, suddenly changed to black.

Fangirls and guys alike cheered as their favorite contestants appeared on screen. Waving towards the camera with their respective live topics set up around them. Excited reactions flowed through each chats, no matter the topic.

However, reactions flowed the most heavy in the chats of Jung Hyun-Ok and Joon-woo.

Jung Hyun-Ok stood in front of a camera with his usual calm expression. This time however, he wore a green cape, light brown leather jacket with a familiar feather patch etched into it. He for a white button up with a harness tight and squeezing against his chest. He was truly Levi Ackerman.

"Hello viewers..." He greeted with a small smile, "As you can see my topic for the live is uh–" He cheeks grew red. "Cosplay..."

@hyunokgf: aot cosplay?????????
@peepmej2h: someone get a screenshot of this 😂😂😂😂😂
@wonbinsfavguitar: Jung Hyun-Ok you're my favorite Levi ever!!!!!!!
@hyunokgf: hahaha
@04liner_stan: he's so embarrassed 😭😭😭😭😭

Jung Hyun-Ok played with the harness strap, "Aish– this is a little uncomfortable. Really, these cosplayers are really respectable for dressing up in such uncomfortable things..." He went on. "But definitely Joon-woo is having a worse time!" He said.

@wonbinsfavguitar: joon-woo?
@winner4life: Jung Hyun-Ok you are so hot 🥵🥵
@winner4life: pls notice me
@hyunokgf: hahaha no way, Joon-woo is cosplaying Sailor Moon!!!
@jungoongirlie: why r we talking ab joon-woo here???? Hyun-Ok tell us about youuuu

Jung Hyun-OK read the chat with ease, "Ahh, you see– Joon-woo is cosplaying as a girl character for this live... but me? Hmm... What should I say?"

@04liner_stan: who is the contestant you're closet too???
@winner4life: who's your kpop inspiration?

Jung Hyun-Ok hummed, eyeing off-screen staff before replying. "Closet too? Definitely my roommates– who I can't say who they are! But they are very kind so please be excited for the next episode." He paused, "Ahh, my inspiration..?"

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