Park Jang-Soo (4)

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A dazed Team Six sat in a circle in their practice room. Their randomly assigned concept ran through their heads. Really, wasn't a nature forest-y unfitting for a team like them? The team was made of height and bulk.

Baek Du-Ho just bordered six feet, Reggie was above, Song Chunghee was somehow even taller than Reggie with his 6'0'. Ryeo Hyun was 5'10 and made up for the rest with his bulky body. Not to mention, with the exception of Joon-woo and Reggie, the team fit a more serious or provocative concept...

Joon-woo slightly curled in on himself, really, wasn't he quite the outlier?

Ryeo Hyun, looking a bit defeated, clicked at his tongue, "Well, with our new concept– any ideas?"

Crickets engulfed the room in an awkward silence. And it stayed so, until a hesitant Baek Du-Ho raised his hand cautiously.

"Um... In any case I think Joon-woo should be the center." He spoke with his head down, as if ashamed to say such.

If Joon-woo wasn't already stressed out of his mind, he might've started freaking out. Because as much as he expected a bigger role because of how less the concept fit the others', he didn't expect the center part to be his. In fact, he found Reggie about ten times more fitting for the role... Reggie could dance, sing better than most contestants, and was eye candy in a more mysterious way than Joon-woo.

Joon-woo pointed to himself, "Me? But–"

Song Chunghee interrupted Joon-woo with an excited face, "I think Joon-woo is fitting too!"

"I like that idea..." Ryeo Hyun nodded.

Joon-woo looked to Reggie for support, but even Reggie shrugged and nodded along. And just as Joon-woo was about to shift away from Reggie as a dramatic act of betrayal, he snapped himself back into reality, back to this morning.

If he was center, he would get more screen time. If he got more screen time... He really didn't want to think of what queerbait would be made with something as simple as standing by Reggie's side.

Joon-woo recalled what he had been woken up too-early for and made late for recording for.

A knock against the dorm room door made the group exchange confused glances. Reggie and Mi Yong had often visited their dorm room, just never this early, so Bo Jaesang went to open the door with his hair still in need of a good brush. It was 7:31 A.M..

And as Bo Jaesong opened the door, a camera-less staff member stood in the frame. Not Reggie or Mi Yong, but someone much more ominous.

"Joon-woo, can you come with me?" She asked, eye bags heavy with overwork.

Joon-woo, who was the latest sleeper in the dorm, had just awoken, and rubbed at his eyes as he scanned the staff member up and down. He avoided the gaze of his equally confused roommates.

"Huh? Is.. Everything okay?" Joon-woo asked, combing his hair with his fingers as an attempt to look at least a little presentable.

The staff member had a visible drop of sweat rolling down her face, "No, nothing like that!" She waved her hands as if to push her convincing act.

Joon-woo narrowed his gaze. Had Producer Jang-Soo really stooped so low? He hoped not in his head of 'yeses'. After fixing his hair enough to not look like a slob, he stood, sending a small 'goodbye' wave to his roommates who watched him with shrugged shoulders.

"I'll be back for recording..." Joon-woo said with a nod, the dorm room door closing and leaving him with a clearly nervous staff member and in the dormitory hallway.

The staff member walked ahead and Joon-woo followed suit. She didn't say a word for a while. Occasionally, she would cast Joon-woo a quick squirrel-like glance and look away. Really, wasn't she suspicious?

"The Producer wants to meet with me, right?" Joon-woo asked after a bubble of silence.

The staff member flinched. Bingo, Joon-woo thought.

"U-Um yes, he's requested to meet with you..." She confirmed.

Joon-woo closed his eyes and slightly leaned his head back.  Of course. Could he never escape? He recalled the day prior grimly. Would he get lectured for practically avoiding Reggie in entirety?

The question played in his mind as the staff member led him to a slightly secluded room, many hallways down. Really, what did the tens of doors they pass even lead too? But this time, instead of a meeting room he was walked to, it was an office.

Joon-woo stood at the door and blank-faced watched the staff member scurry off as fast as she could. She ran so fast Joon-woo barely got to even watch her scurry away. He peeked through the office door's window and saw Producer Jang-Soo in the flesh.

Joon-woo placed his hand on the door knob, and as cautious and unreactive as could be, walked in.

"Joon-woo?" Song Chunghee tapped at Joon-woo's shoulder.

Oh right, the idea of him in the center. Joon-woo avoided eye contact. "Oh, sorry..."

"Are you really against being the center? I think this concept works very well for you." Ryeo Hyun asked, tilting his head slightly.

Joon-woo pursed his lips, "I... I already get a lot of attention though... I think someone who is more at risk should be the center." He reasoned.

Indirectly, eyes fell upon Song Chunghee. He was the least recognized contestant of the team. The rest, even Baek Du-Ho, got attention in various social medias and were in the top ten most recognized.

Song Chunghee tapped at his cheek, "Ehh... But this concept and even my dance don't really fit that of a center... I think I would benefit better from a good team performance than me being a center." He took a breath. "And I think with Joon-woo as center we can achieve that."

Joon-woo wanted to hiss at that. Really, did that guy have to be so well spoken? Even Joon-woo found himself a bit swooned.

"But even my dance–" Joon-woo went to reason, because his dance was still nothing impressive.

Baek Du-Ho, the one who suggested Joon-woo in the first place, face-palmed. "But you're vocals. I mean, I think a forest-y concept always does best with a more vocal focus..."

Joon-woo glared at the ground, as he couldn't find a specific person to direct his glare at.

"For the team? Joon-woo?" Reggie pleaded with his hands clasped into a beg.

Joon-woo hardened his expression, his expression out of camera and peer view. "Fine..." He whispered.

Reggie's expression brightened, "Wait, really?"

Joon-woo's cheeks got a bit red, "I said yes!" He hissed.

The team cheered and exchanged highfives in unison. They did such while Joon-woo sat in a sulk. He sighed, when was he such a pushover?

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