Producer Troubles (10)

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"That bastard– That producer– Jang-Soo, was it? Joon-woo, he's not a normal guy." Kite informed.

Joon-woo wore his poker face without falter. He had expected that much. Producer Jang-Soo was odd, obsessing over Joon-woo and his failures and only Joon-woo's. The producer had been a thorn in Joon-woo's side for no apparent reason.

"He's like you, Joon-woo." Those words from Kite made Joon-woo's mouth open just a bit in surprise. He sent a silent look Kite's way as if asking 'what?'. "He's also not the original owner of that body."

Joon-woo pursed his lips. Producer Jang-Soo, in this timeline at least, was successful like no other. His name was under some of the most popular reality TV shows in the later years. There was almost no malice towards his name and he was loved by the Korean population. In fact, his rags to riches story was well known.

Ha Jang-Soo. He was an early-made orphan taken in by his Aunt and Uncle who already had a son. He was tossed to the side, Ha Jang-Soo, and tried to make a name for himself as a producer just for his first program to fail miserably.

Suddenly, on the brink of eviction and bankruptcy, his next program was a hit. Though it's resources were quite lacking, it was a show called The Seventh Sense, and it was a Wolf-like mystery. Similar to the video game "Among Us", various actors and idols came on and played the game over a few episodes. Really, it was such a hit that it was now on its 4th season with its viewer ratings only going up.

"Our cases..." Joon-woo whispered so softly Kite had to lean in. "Do we have the same goal? Was he also–?"

Kite sighed, "Yes. In the same way that you were a successful idol in a different timeline, he was a successful producer in his own timeline."

Joon-woo paused. Did that mean Producer Jang-Soo also died in a cruel way like Joon-woo? And how did Kite even know this? What did this have to do with Kite being dead in Joon-woo's bathroom sink then suddenly not? He had so many questions that couldn't be asked the rowdy car around the unknowing.

Joon-woo racked his brain for a simple question that related to the destination of Bo Jaesang's place. Something that could be answered now and in a timely manner.

"What does this have to do with... you know who?" Joon-woo referenced Bo Jaesang secludedly as if to avoid attention from the other passengers.

Kite hummed, "He played with the rankings. Your friend was ranked 14th and he... he basically changed up the votes..."

A rage built up inside Joon-woo, but he couldn't let it show. Why would Producer Jang-Soo do that? He clearly worked under the basis of making money with how he accepted the bribes of the big companies. Bo Jaesang was from a big company. Xe Entertainment and ICE Entertainment were at the top of the company-food chain right now, so why?

"Is this information that you know absorb details on, related to why you were– you were basically dead in my sink?" Joon-woo bared a last question and Mi Yong turned right into the driveway of a large but suburban apartment complex.

The area was ten times nicer than Joon-woo's. Families were out on walks, couples walked about a nearby park. Some grade schoolers were even traversing the streets on bikes. The air smelt of the soon-to-be spring.

"It... Is..." Kite vaguely replied, "But I'll- I'll try my best to explain tonight when it's just us..."

Joon-woo nodded. He was still crazy suspicious of the bird, more than he ever had been. But, as he and the others' unloaded from the small car, all focus was on Bo Jaesang.

Maybe it was Joon-woo's selfish desire to eliminate the guilt that lingered from Ju Hae's downfall, but maybe if he could help Bo Jaesang even a little... Maybe...

Mi Yong peaked at his phone. "Hyun-ah said he lived on the second floor..."

The group nodded along, Reggie sticking a little closer to Joon-woo as whatever eyes were in the apartment's lobby fell on them.

"Are they idols?"
"Trainees maybe..."
"Hey, isn't that the guy from that foreigner's travel blog? The one that sung well?"
"The short one? I think so."
"They look like girls. All those trainee kids do..."

Joon-woo sent Reggie a knowing look. They weren't even wearing make-up yet the attention they got was about the same. At least they wouldn't be pressured into getting plastic surgery, the others, when they debuted. Their faces without make-up were still plenty pretty.

The front desk lady seemed the most baffled by their appearances, as they approached.

"Are you guys from Producer10..?" She questioned. She was young, maybe in her mid 20s.

Mi Yong and Jung Hyun-Ok noticed Reggie and Joon-woo cover behind them. Reggie nudged at Mi Yong to talk, Joon-woo nodded along. 'Be useful Hyungs' Joon-woo thought with a small smile.

Jung Hyun-Ok nodded with a fanservice-typical smile, "We are, yes." He replied.

The front desk lady placed her hand over her mouth. Was she not gonna check them in and let them go see their friend? Joon-woo knew how to be patient in these encounters, but frankly they tired him out.

All four of them stood awkwardly for a moment, watching the front desk lady have a mini panic attack at the sight of them.

"G-go ahead! Enjoy your visit!" She spoke after a few odd moments.

The interaction caused Mi Yong and Jung Hyun-Ok to have a small laugh as they approached the stairs to the second floor, but Joon-woo exchanged a knowing glance with Reggie. Bo Jaesang lived in this apartment complex. Had the front desk lady not realized that he was also a contestant?

The group exited the staircase, passing by an old couple on the way who looked less than pleased with their 'girly' figures. They practically scowled upon seeing Joon-woo's appearance. Reggie shook his head, but ultimately dropped it.

Mi Yong pulled out his phone again, "29, that's his apartment."

The group nodded and they traversed a hallway of numbered doors. 23, 25, 27... 29. They stopped in front of the door with the gold-colored number. Mi Yong knocked at the door after a moment of awkward silence.

After the absolute news bomb that Ryeo Hyun had dropped about Bo Jaesang's tendencies, there had been a slight tension.

Not once had Bo Jaesang displayed the signs of depression that Joon-woo had learned to look for in himself and his group mates back in Cheerleader. Not once had Bo Jaesang exhibited signs of alcoholism either... If anything Mi Yong was constantly whining about the lack of alcohol drinking being an idol required.

After a moment, heavy footsteps approached and opened the door. Ryeo Hyun stood with eye bags so big Joon-woo thought him to be a vampire. Immediately the air that had been tense only in thought, tensed for real.

Bo Jaesang was inside that apartment. Ryeo Hyun looked like a mess.

Joon-woo wanted to sigh, the nerves built up in the back of his throat.

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