Debut (1)

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It was Mi Yong.

It was Mi Yong dressed in the media-branded ragged clothes. Only his heavy breath was heard as he ran through the large expanse of a forest.

He kept looking behind him. A large bit of light decorated just yards behind him as if chasing him.

He tripped. He tripped and watched as the light he had been running from caught up to him. The light overtook the whole screen.

"I've been waking up without you–
since we've begun to grow–"

Joon-woo's youthful voice began. An electronic, almost indie sounding melody played. The white slid from behind a white wall to reveal Joon-woo sitting alone at a cafe table made for two.

He checked his notably zoomed in Samsung phone for the time. He frowns. It's as if he's waiting for someone.

"My sun is barely shining,
like a boy without his glow–"

Joon-woo's voice sung as the Joon-woo in the video stared longingly at the empty chair across from him. The camera zoomed on the empty chair.

Suddenly, Jung Hyun-Ok slipped into the seat. And the camera turned to reveal Joon-woo not at the other end. The whole camera zooms out and it's a totally different cafe now.

"Sometimes I miss you, us,
and who've we grown to be–"

Jung Hyun-Ok in the video mouthed, taking a sip of a coffee cup in front of him.

"I drink my coffee black,
for a talking point of when we'll soon meet..."

Jung Hyun-Ok makes a face at the bitter taste.

Suddenly the scene returned to Mi Yong.

But this time he wore normal university student clothing and appeared to be running through a library.

Many other students were studying, drinking, and talking with their friends. It appeared that they didn't even notice Mi Yong practically sprinting down the aisles of books.

"[Don't run~]
From me, from you. [from I–]
[Open your eyes– and see–]
to see me shine~"

Reggie's voice sang a slowly escalating pre-chorus.

The camera zoomed in on one of the chip bags a student snacked on while studying.

The camera zoomed out to reveal all of ASCEND huddled and watching a movie together in highschool uniforms. It was Ryeo Hyun grabbing a handful of the chips that it zoomed out on.

"Let us grow! Let us make our lives our lives–
Let us breath! We're breath– we're breathing fine–
All we've wanted is our time
All we've done are for these nights~
So let us GROW!"

The camera cut to ASCEND standing in a window-like stance. The space between Reggie, Jung Hyun-Ok, and Mi Yong was filled with Baek Du-Ho, Ryeo Hyun, and Joon-woo.

They danced with house-like steps, as a mix of Joon-woo and Mi Yong's higher voices sang the high beat of the chorus.

The lyrics dissolved as a dance break ensued.

Reggie stepped up to the plate, practically flying through the air with house steps marked as difficult by many. The others did simpler versions behind him, making Reggie the star.

After the ten second break, Baek Du-Ho stepped up with a handheld microphone in his hand.

"Our photo album's are bare–
We're all finding lives, we're all finding wives–
Soju calls our name like a high-goodbye–
When you look at me, I hope you see your best
And I'll look at you like a lifelong friend..."

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