Park Jang-Soo (1)

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"You're quite the talk right now." Producer Jang-Soo chuckled like a rich man as he took a seat in the chair that sat well in the view of the other chairs against the long empty meeting table.

The room he had been walked off to was dim-window lit and empty with just he and Producer Jang-Soo inside.

Producer Jang-Soo patted at the seat closest to himself, as if motioning Joon-woo to sit. Joon-woo who watched his superior took the seat cautiously. Really, wasn't this a bit like 'deja vu'? Joon-woo closed his eyes as if trying to pry the thoughts from his brain.

"Yes..." Joon-woo replied, hands firmly on his knees and his gaze shifted towards the table.

"Glad you're aware of such. But that's only slightly related to why I've pulled you aside." Producer Jang-Soo, peaked over to Joon-woo, who nervously nodded at his words. "Joon-woo? I don't bite." The Producer joked, Joon-woo found himself almost flinching at the words.

Thus far, The Producer was seen with a more uncaring tone and expression. So to see the man so cheery now freaked Joon-woo out to no end. That's how he was. That's how he was to Ha-rin in comparison to the cold ways he treated the rest of Cheerleader.

"Yes... I know..." Joon-woo replied.

Producer Jang-Soo sighed with an expression too relaxed. "Alright, then. I've also taken notice of something else, regarding you. And that's the fan-interpreted relationship between you and Reggie."

Joon-woo thought he might as well die then and there. Because really, was that a serious statement? His expression blanked. Hadn't Ryeo Hyun warned him about this?

"From your reaction you seem aware." Producer Jang-Soo confirmed. "And regarding your spur of fame, and the spur of growth with... what's the term– shippers?" He clicked his tongue, "I'll be frank, we expect you to lean into it."

Joon-woo shut his mouth at the statement. He had forgotten his anxiety in that moment, finally making eye contact with Producer Jang-Soo. "I'm sorry, senior, is this–"

"Yes, Joon-woo. I'm serious." The Producer confirmed.

Joon-woo thought back to his life as Ha-rin. How from the sidelines she watched relationships collapse over such pressure. The backlash, the constant cameras questioning your friendship like it was theirs to dictate. Really, he didn't want his and Reggie's friendship to end like that.

"What about Reggie? Have you consulted with him?" Joon-woo asked, half-knowing the answer already. Reggie hadn't seemed to react weirdly around him, so he probably wasn't told a wink.

Producer Jang-Soo blew at his lips, "Aish– He wouldn't understand anyway, you know foreigners..." He remarked.

Joon-woo's eyes slightly widened at the words. "I– But–" He tried to speak, but anger clouded his words. "He knows Korean. He speaks it well... We should–"

Producer Jang-Soo sighed heavily in interruption, placing his hands suddenly on the table and pushing himself up. "It's about time we return." He said, before taking slow, casual steps to the door of the meeting room.

Just as Producer Jang-Soo was about to fully exit the room, he turned to Joon-woo who was standing where he was just sitting and said, "Expect to be teamed with Reggie when we announce the next challenge."

And then he left. He left Joon-woo in a state of shock. Joon-woo had wanted to team with Reggie for both challenges now. He had wished for such in his head every time he got slandered by a teammate, beat, ignored. But like this? It felt dirty.

Joon-woo stared at his hands. He had washed them less than an hour before. But suddenly every germ, every little bacteria unable to be seen by the human eye, bit at his skin, his bones. He didn't want to lose Reggie, he didn't want to lose what he had.

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