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Lu Yun didn't expect Zhou Ze'an to come at this time. She was holding her toothbrush in her hand.

Lu Yun was familiar with the bus from Hongxing Commune to the county town. She thought Zhou Ze'an would arrive at their house around 10 o'clock if he was faster. It was only 7 o'clock now.

Zhou Ze'an's appearance stunned Sun Hongxia, who was still telling Lu Yun not to be picky. She had never seen such a good-looking man.

Sun Hongxia almost blurted out, "Who are you?"

Zhou Ze'an: "I am the son of Uncle Lu and Aunt Lu's friend."

Sun Hongxia heard Zhou Ze'an say this, and she didn't know why she felt happy in her heart. She didn't start to think about why she was happy that Zhou Ze'an spoke again.

Zhou Ze'an: "He is also Lu Yun's blind date."

Sun Hongxia: "........"

He is also Lu Yun's blind date?

Sun Hongxia breathed quickly, "Blind date?"

Li Qianjin, who was bullied by his elder brother and sister-in-law in the county, is so handsome? Sun Hongxia took a look at her target Yu Zhi and couldn't help but compare him.

Yu Zhi is simply not presentable.

Sun Hongxia: "You are Ayun's blind date. What do you do? Our Ayun has high standards."

Zhou Ze'an replied: "I am stationed on the island, deputy commander."

Sun Hongxia was stunned. She was shocked by Zhou Ze'an's appearance and temperament. Only then did she remember Zhou Ze'an's self-introduction when he came over. He didn't seem to be called Li Qianjin, but Zhou Ze'an.

Sun Hongxia forced a smile, "Since your family still has things to do, Yu Zhi and I will continue to deliver wedding candies to other people."

When passing by Zhou Ze'an, Sun Hongxia saw the things Zhou Ze'an was carrying, which was comparable to the things Yu Zhi brought when he first went to her house.

Sun Hongxia's mentality collapsed again.


The Lu family became lively because of Zhou Ze'an's arrival.

Li Meili pushed Lu Yun into the house and told her to wear the blue polka dot skirt she bought this year.

Li Meili's eyes showed satisfaction with Zhou Ze'an as her son-in-law.

Lu Yun went back to the house and obediently took out her blue polka dot skirt from the closet. When she was about to draw the curtain to change clothes, she happened to meet Zhou Ze'an's eyes.

She didn't wear a blue polka dot skirt. The gorgeous transformation seemed a bit too deliberate.

After closing the curtains, Lu Yun put the blue polka dot skirt back into the closet and randomly picked out a set of clothes that she usually wore at home.

Li Meili was still warmly entertaining Zhou Ze'an, "Come in and sit down, you must be tired after all this journey?"

Zhou Ze'an shook his head, "Thank you, auntie, I'm not tired."

Lu Yun was changing clothes in the house and could hear the noise outside.

This man was forced to this point, it was not easy.

Thinking of herself, Lu Yun also felt the same.


In order to entertain Zhou Ze'an, the old Lu family had already bought peanuts, melon seeds and sugar, and even took out the tea leaves that Lu Youde was reluctant to drink.

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