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Lu Yun acted vigorously in Zhou Ze'an's arms, weak and pitiful.

Li Li watched Zhou Ze'an comfort Lu Yun and went back, pointing at Jiang Yong and saying that he had no future.

Li Li: "Who is timid, Lu Yun?"

Jiang Yong: "Keep your voice down, Deputy Head Zhou will be here again soon!"

After closing the door of their house, the couple went home, both in a bad mood.

Li Li: "She is timid. She can tell me who in her family went to take the exam but she doesn't want to say it. Have you ever seen a timid young wife like this? A timid young wife will be so thin-skinned that she will blush when she hears a word!"

Jiang Yong: "Can't you see what Zhou Ze'an means? He is warning you. You went to see the young wife next door today, but there was no quarrel. Don't you know why you went? This time Zhou Ze'an came to find you. Next time you go to the next door, you have to think twice. If you go to bully the young wife next door, you will see whether Zhou Ze'an will be polite to you!"

Zhou Ze'an came to say that Lu Yun was timid. He was already being polite when he warned Li Li.


Lu Yun lay flat again.

The window in the room was open, she ate watermelon in the breeze, and the radio was playing.

Zhou Ze'an stared at Lu Yun, watching Lu Yun eat a piece of watermelon, and then another piece of watermelon.

Lu Yun wanted to wipe her hands, and Zhou Ze'an handed her a handkerchief.

Lu Yun wiped her hands, and then washed them again. She felt that they were not particularly clean, and were a little sticky?

Zhou Ze'an: "I have never seen you look like this today."

Ah? ? ?

Hiding in Zhou Ze'an's arms, weak and pitiful?

Lu Yun: "I'm not cooperating with you."

In the bathroom, Lu Yun was washing her hands with the faucet on. Zhou Ze'an was still sitting on the bed, holding the handkerchief that Lu Yun had used to wipe her hands, thinking.

That night, Zhou Ze'an's enthusiasm made Lu Yun cry.

This bastard!!!

Does he know it's so hot?


It's a new day again.

When Lu Yun woke up, Zhou Ze'an went to training, Lu Youde was taking care of Fantuan, and Li Meili and Feng Cuilan went to the sea.

The weather looked okay today, not too hot, and a little cool.

Lu Yun: "Dad, you look after the rice balls. I'm going to the beach too. I remember that the state-owned hotel supplies sweet and sour pork ribs today. I'll buy some on the way back."

Lu Yun found her lady's bicycle. Lu Yun hadn't used this bicycle since she arrived on the island. Li Meili used it several times after she came.

Lu Youde: "Ride slowly."

Both father and daughter were silent for a moment.

Forget it. How could he think that his daughter, who was a salted fish, wouldn't ride slowly to the beach?


The blue sky and white clouds, the green trees formed a shade, and there was the sea, with waves beating on the beach.

Lu Yun rode her bicycle slowly.

Lu Yun walked around the beach and found Li Meili and Feng Cuilan. They caught a lot of oysters today.

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