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Fresh and good mangoes smell like mangoes.

Lu Yun was strolling around slowly with the newly bought mangoes. When she saw the pineapple, she wanted to buy another one. The things she was carrying were a bit heavy, so she put them aside at the stall.

When his slender fingers helped Lu Yun hold the things, his palm almost wrapped around Lu Yun's hand.

Lu Yun knew who it was without turning around, "Zhou Ze'an, you're back?"

They had lived together for a long time and slept in the same bed. Lu Yun would definitely recognize Zhou Ze'an.

Lu Yun: "In that case, I'll buy a few more pineapples!"

The couple walked in the market together. Lu Yun went to buy things, and Zhou Ze'an followed behind Lu Yun, carrying things and staring at Lu Yun intently.

Lu Yun: "Let's eat farmer's stir-fried meat today, and braised pork ribs. Let's make braised pork ribs and stewed potatoes!"

Thinking about it makes me happier!

Lu Yun: "Zhou Ze'an?"

Lu Yun looked back at Zhou Ze'an who was following him, thinking that Zhou Ze'an didn't want to eat what she said.

Zhou Ze'an's eyes were burning.

Lu Yun: "You..."

Zhou Ze'an: "Ayun."

He missed her.

Lu Yun: "Just listen to you, we'll eat tofu today."

Ah? ????

Lu Yun pointed at the tofu beside her. She didn't expect Zhou Ze'an to be so eager for tofu. It seemed that she hadn't eaten tofu with Zhou Ze'an since she followed the army to the island.

Lu Yun: "You can tell me if you like tofu. You can also tell me what you want to eat next time."

She also likes to eat tofu. Spicy tofu and scallion fried tofu are all fine. If Zhou Ze'an likes to eat something and his favorite food is different from hers, she can also make a portion for Zhou Ze'an.


Lu Yun made the tofu that Zhou Ze'an wanted to eat, and also made her favorite farm-style stir-fried meat and stewed potatoes with pork ribs.

It was cool in the evening, and the two of them had dinner together in the yard.

Zhou Ze'an: "Has anything happened these days?"

Lu Yun: "These days?"

Lu Yun's life has been too salty these days. This kind of salty daily life without turning over is really good, but sometimes I feel a little bored because there are too few entertainment options at home, and I can't even catch up on a TV series.

Lu Yun: "I chatted with Cui Lan's sister-in-law next door, and when I went to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy things, I met a salesperson named Zheng Qiao, and made a light yellow shirt."

That's it.

Zhou Ze'an: "Anything else?"

Lu Yun: "Are you afraid that I'm bored? A little, but most of the time I'm not bored."

Lu Yun ate the unique texture of the pork ribs and wondered if she should find something to do.

Forget it, why would I think about this?

Lu Yun thought about her past life when she worked overtime all the time. Even weekends were a luxury. Her dream was to achieve financial freedom and then quit her job.

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