How You Became Close

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You had seen his house get blown up(he rebuilds it, don't worry), and you watched as he flew out without his disguise, revealing the alien that he was. He became panicked and angry when you saw him, only to be stunned when you hid him from the bikers coming down the street. Once there were no other humans in the area, you asked if he was okay.
He most likely seemed rude as he proclaimed that he was always amazing and stomped off, but the truth was that he didn't even know how to respond.
That was the first time anyone had shown him concern.

You asked to talk to him behind The Skool, and he obliged, preparing for some epic showdown, only to realize that you hadn't brought any weapons or anything necessarily 'evil' with you. It was then that you revealed that you were, in fact, a demon, but that you just wanted to live an easy life without trouble. He was apprehensive, especially when you asked him not to tell anyone, and even offered to fight Zim for him if he agreed.
You argued back and forth, but then he agreed once he realized that you were serious. Things were awkward between the two of you for a while, but then he started coming over to your house to talk, and you became close.

You were there when a game of hers got destroyed, and she became livid. You panicked and gave her your phone, saying that there were games on it. As luck would have it, you had the exact game that she had been playing, and she calmed down.
Neither of you really said anything about it, but the air was a lot calmer between the two of you.

He ran, crying out Zim's house that he needed his 'Poop'. As disgusting as the words sounded out of context, you knew that he meant the drink with the unfortunate name, and you actually helped him find it. He ended up stealing it, and then he revealed that he was a robot, and then he stole more, and then he drug you back to Zim's house. It was a strange experience, but an exciting and welcome one. You felt yourself growing a friendship with the little goober.

Professor Membrane-
He came in right before the store was about to close, panicking about how his invention had gone all wrong, and you began to get nervous, so you just pointed him toward the scrapyard behind the store that nobody was using, saying that there could be anything back there, even offering to dig out whatever it is he needed. He thanked you and gathered various tools and machinery, loading them onto a weird vehicle.
You were left confused as he sped off, and your tip jar was left overflowing with bills. You weren't complaining, though. He even announced your involvement in the next invention, and you racked up tons of tips for the next few days!
Eventually, your interactions became more personal and friendly in nature, with him asking about your day and how work is for you, even wishing you a good week because he would be very busy for a very long time.

She ended up crashing her own ship, a cruel twist of fate. Now, both of you were trapped here.
She ranted angrily and broke down next to the remnants of her once great aircraft when you arrived, offering words of encouragement and even allowing her to use the rest of your broken ship so that she could repair hers.
At first, she bitterly laughed at your pity, but then she was silent once she realized what you were saying - that you were willing to give up your own escape and freedom for hers. She called you an idiot but was actually grateful, and she even came back for you once everything worked out.

The Tallests-
They actually found you crying and just awkwardly shuffled around talking about different things(they suck at being comforting). Eventually, they just asked why you were so upset, and you just muttered about how you were completely alone. They looked at each other for a moment and then told you that you weren't and that as their prisoner, you were under their protection.
You were quiet for a moment, and then you started laughing.
For alien overlords, they were very goofy, and that somehow made you feel better.

Miss Bitters-
It was the new 'Skool' year, and only one of you got the class schedules - you. She grumpily approached your door to ask if she could look at it for a moment, but you handed her a copy you made that was more understandable. She just looked at it, looked at you, muttered a thanks, and left.
She began to speak to you every once in a while, and over time, you started talking in the teacher's lounge about class plans and whatnot.
It was a very gradual thing.

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