You Give Them A Compliment

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It took him a solid minute to realize what you were doing, and then he just started commanding you to compliment his greatness even more(nobody ever gives him compliments, so he was super excited and happy).
He did awkwardly compliment you a day later.

He'd be extremely happy about it and would thank you for complimenting him. He may give you one soon after.

She'd raise a brow for a split second and then just thank you. She'd spend a moment back at home wondering where the compliment came from.

He would get excited, and it would turn into a compliment contest where you just spout out the various things you like about the other.
Zim would get weirded out and leave the room.

Professor Membrane-
He'd dramatically thank you and then give you a compliment in return.

She'd be flustered, as she never gets compliments. Sure, the humans at the school may compliment her, and she'd be flattered if she were complimented by a fellow Irken, but she never got one from someone she deemed worthy - a person that mattered. She never had gotten a compliment from you.
Needless to say, she'd be processing what you just said to her and just fire some random words back at you, trying to compliment you back.

The Tallests-
They'd be really happy about it and would start asking for some more, making sure to shower you in compliments in return.

Miss Bitters-
She'd be silent for a moment and awkwardly thank you.

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