I love Wattpad because it allows you to link music through YouTube. So, for those who enjoy listening to soundtracks as they read, this is the experience with you. I've attached every song that came to mind or inspired sequences in each chapter so you can share my journey as I wrote these chapters. If you want a more immersive experience, I recommend it!
If you see letters italicized it either represents a memory, a character's thought, or telepathy.
If you see ***, then it means the scene has changed.
Lastly, I'll admit that Kingdom Hearts was always the main source of inspiration for this story and its prequel. So, without further ado please enjoy the updated version of Advanced Wishes on the first anniversary of its original completion on fanfiction.net. Enjoy!
Pokemon: Advanced Wishes Black or White
RomanceAsh and May arrive in Unova, so they can compete in the Unova League and Grand Festival. What the couple doesn't know is, they are going to face struggles that will put their love to the test, will it live or vanish? New friends and enemies will be...