Chapter 20- Breaking the silence.

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Roman and stood in the sitting room their faces inches apart,their lips sharing a passionate kiss. But soon as they pulled away alexia ran away from him and let him with three words- ''it was a mistake.''
Days had passed and roman pretended to ignore alexia as if she was a ghost. Alexia was heartbroken and frustrated,she looked up from the book that she was reading and stared at roman as he passed by and that thought killed her that he might have gotten over me. She mustered up courage to talk to him quite hesitant at first but courage and determination paved way in.
Roman can we talk?'' She asked her voice soft and hesitant.
Roman shrugged hhis shoulders his voice indifferent. ''Yes.'' He cocked up one eyebrow.
Its about the kiss.''
If its about the kiss dont bother.'' He told her gritting his teeth in annoyance.
But.'' She tried to speak up again but she didnt know how best to put her words but she had hoped that he would understand.
But what?''
I dont...'' Her voice had already started cracking.
I dont know what to say,you ran away from me and told me that it was a mistake.'' He sighed heavily.
Alexia looked down at the floor tears welling up in her eyes. ''I was scared okay. I didnt know how to process what had happened between us.''
Roman herat ached but he refused to show it,he wanted to punch himself a million times for this,he couldnt believe himself that he was the ine doing this to alexia. ''I was just a kiss alexia forget it.''
Alexias face crumpled as she stared down at the floor feeling shallow and regertful,she looked up at him and wished that she had never done that. ''How do i mend us together?''
US.'' Roman eyebrows furrowed. ''There is no us.'' Stressing deliberately on the 'us'.
Alexia bit her lip in sadness,she looked at him and hoped all of this was false. ''How do i prove that i want our friendship back?''
Kiss me.'' Roman said staring into alexias eyes.
What,i said friends.''
We can't be just friends.'' He growled.
He realised that alexia didnt understand. ''Forget it alexia it was just a kiss.''
What a nice first kiss.'' She murmured to herself as she turned away feeling shallow
Roman body froze when he heard what alexia said, there's no way, there's no way-he thought that alexia has never had her first kiss and she was 23 YEARS OLD!! FOR GOD SAKE! He knew that he had fucked up and theres no going back on this.''Ho could i think like this?'' He asked himself,he felt like the biggest idiot on planet earth.
FUCK!'' He cursed loudly,his breath hitched. ''What did i do?'' He asked himself. ''She doesnt deserve someone like me.''
As days go by,alexia and roman continue to cross paths, but something roman didnt expect alexia to act indifferent but deep down he hoped that she still liked him although he convinced himslf that he had nothing to do with alexia. They both cross paths and roman remained a pretense on indifference although it was clear that he still liked her. He was trapped in the cycle of hurt and denial unsure on how to bridge the gap between them.
Alexia too lost in thoughts and and wondered why roman was ignoring her and dhe wished that she could go back to him and do things differently. She missed him but her pride would nit let her reach out. The silence between them grew thick a heavy fog that refused to lift. Roman and alexia were two hearts ❤  joined together,but are now alone waiting for eachother to make the first move. They lived under the same roof their room adjacent to eachother yet they felt like strangers. The memory of the kiss that they shared lingered but the awkwardness that followed paved way for silence. Roman would catch a glimpse of alexia in the hallway her eyes cast down, her long black silky hair covering a part of her face, he yearned to nreach out and talk to her but pride would not let him.
Alexia too felt the weight of unspoken words. She would lie in the bed at night and wondered why roman pushed her away and why he wouldnt even look at her. She longed to bridge the gap but her own pride and fear of rejection kept her silent.
The tension grew as they began to avoid each other,roman  taking he stairs once in a while to avoid alexia and alexia staying in her room for hours afraid to face him.
Sandra and daemon obvious to the rift would try to engage them in a conversation but alexia and roman would respond in monosyllables,their eyes never meeting. The warm atmosphere in the house turned cold.
One evening,as roman was gong out he saw alexia sitting on the couch,her eyes fixated on a book, he longed to talk to her,he hesitated,his heart racing and for a moment he thought about sitting beside her and talking to her,but the fear of rejecton sufficed. He opened the door and stepped into the night leaving alexia alone. The silence between them continued,a heavy unspoked weight that pressed upon broken hearts.
They lived in the same housebut they were worlds apart each waiting for the other to make a move,to break the silence to heal the hurt................................💕

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