Chapter 16: Clay Cutter(lol)

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 Clay took a deep breath. Today was the day of the music festival. None of his teammates had arrived yet. He opened the team chat.

Pizza🍕 has joined the chat.

Pizza🍕: Why aren't you here?

Sunny☀️ has joined the chat.

Sunny☀️: Uh, Clay, the music festival is tomorrow.

Glory🌸: Yeah, no offense, but you are one of the managers. You should know this.

Chang-BYEE: Wait, I thought it was today? I'm in front of the gymnasium, CARRYING MY CELLO.



Pizza🍕: I'm coming, CARRYING MY FIDDLE. (I always imagined human Clay playing the fiddle, for no apparent reason)

Chang-BYEE: JUST LEAVE THE DAM FIDDLE IN THE GYM!!(pjo reference :))

Pizza🍕: Oh right. *Drops fiddle*

Glory🌸: Didn't it break?

Sunny☀️: Yeah, you need it for today.

Glory🌸: Sunny! Why did you say- ugh. Fine, the festival is today. Prank.

Sunny☀️: Sorry

Sunny☀️: But I'll make up for it by playing elec guitar good.


LUNAAAAAAAAAAA🐛: Well, me, Io, and Swordtail are almost here. ETA 5 minutes.

Pizza🍕: Great. I saved Changbai, by the way.

Chang-BYEE: Wooooooosh

Pizza🍕: He's kinda in shock.

Pizza🍕: Glory, Sunny, where are you?

Glory🌸: You'll never take me alive

Sunny☀️: Translate: In the front steps, carrying the wonderful Sunny's pump for her guitar.

Glory🌸: Oh, so modest.

Pizza🍕: @Better_Than_Glory Where are you, Tsunami!

Better_Than_Glory: I'm here, right next to you.


Glory🌸: She screamed in your ear, didn't she?

Better_Than_Glory: Of course, thank you. *BOWS*

Glory🌸: Okay, I'm leaving.

Glory🌸 has left the chat.

Clay grinned. Even though he had probably just been screamed deaf in one ear, he felt good to be with his friends again.

"So, naturally, I became temporarily deaf thanks to Sunny's guitar. I can't hear what you say to me, or scold me. Thank you for your consideration," said Glory. Clay nodded. "Let's practice!" he suggested.

Luna and Io, Swordtail had arrived. They took out their instruments. Sunny's electric guitar, Changbai's cello, his fiddle, Io and Swordtail's flutes, and Riptide's violin sounded good when played together. Now for the final hit. Glory began drumming like mad. The others danced the Macarena.

"This is gonna be great," smiled Sunny. Riptide materialized out of nowhere and flicked Tsunami's hair. Mr. Webs asked them to sign a slip. Tsunami signed it. Clay finally had time to look around.

There was Moonwatcher Solace, Sunny's brother Qibli's friend, carrying a guitar, studying a sheet of music. Next to her was the energetic basketball player Kinkajou, carrying a flute. Were they performing together?

Qibli was with Winter, and the two were bickering as always. They were obviously singing. Clay had never heard Winter speak, more or less sing. He found himself looking forward to it.

Then there was Peril, the girl Clay didn't know what to make out of. She was sitting on the bleachers, looking at her phone. She was in his Language Arts class, and Clay would often catch her staring at him. Creepy.

The lights dimmed in the gymnasium, and he took a deep breath. He looked at his friends. Riptide was talking to Tsunami, smiling. Sunny was talking to Starflight, and Fatespeaker was staring at them with an angry expression.

Clay wondered what had happened between those two.

Glory was leaning against the wall, on her phone, casually ignoring Deathbringer's pitiful attempts to talk to her. Clay grinned and walked over. "Hey, Deathbringer," he said. "Hi," replied Deathbringer. Glory shot Clay a grateful look.

Clay suddenly heard a scream in his good ear. Sunny and Kinkajou were filming on their phones, and they were screaming at him. "What?" he demanded. "You just ruined a perfectly good Glorybringer moment!" whined Kinkajou, Sunny agreeing.

"For the last time Kink, Glorybringer is not happening," said Glory. "It might," argued Deathbringer. "No," said Glory.

"It's time for the performance!" said Tamarin, Kinkajou's best friend and the commentator. "First up, we have-" she squinted at the paper, adjusting her glasses. "Uh, Clay and the Burritos?"

Everybody laughed at that. "Tsunami! Did you do that?" cried Clay. Tsunami grinned. "Never underestimate a swimmer," she said.

Clay's band stood on top of the stage. The four eggs, ten pancakes and two platefuls of bacon he had eaten in the morning did gymnastics in his stomach. Riptide started with his violin, and Sunny's electric guitar joined him.

He played his fiddle and jumped around like a cockroach(Why can I imagine Clay doing this, whether dragon form or human?). When their performance was finished, they got so much applause and laughs.

Deathbringer screamed, "ALL HAIL QUEEN GLORY OF THE BURRITOS!", earning a glare from Glory, and polite applause.

Thanks for OVER 800 READS!!

ALSO, THANKS FOR YOUR COMMENTS AND LIKES! I can't update frequently because school started... I hate school.........



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