▫️ Twenty six

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I admired business women.

They were brave, independent and unstoppable. They mostly inspired me by their go-getter personality.

The feeling I had now was almost akin to that and all credit I was going to give to the man who was walking down the stairs with me.

As usual, my right hand held onto his bicep as we left the quiet cafe.

We had just had a successful meeting with our second client.

I was impressed with the confidence in my voice as I explained our business plan to Mr Haze.

He had heard about L&L Ceramics from Enzo's acquaintance. In the past, Enzo had made a few items for him, so the moment he heard that we were widening our horizons, he contacted us.

We hadn't even finished executing our full plan but he had already placed an order of six vases.

Enzo was to do the pottery while I helped in styling and marketing. He'd claimed that I was good with words.

"Do you think we're ready to launch L&L Ceramics?" I asked Enzo, just before we got into his car.

"With you, I'm ready." He locked our fingers, swinging our hands between us.

"I'm I being of help?" I whispered while looking the other way. "I feel like you'll be doing most of the work and I'll just be 'supporting' you."

This had been weighing my mind for a while now. I was insecure about this business thing of ours since he was the one with the skills and I was a motivator.

Enzo squeezed our linked hands and I slowly turned to face him. I was doubtful of my position as his aide but what I was met with was a glum look.

His eyes had grown sullen but he quickly tried to hide his long face.

"I'm sorry for saying-" he held both of my arms, cutting me off before I could talk.

"Love," he softly took my hands and continued, "I'm not as capable as you." He said, surprising me.

My eyes tried to meet his but he couldn't lift his gaze to me. He stared at our hands instead.

"You are smart, kind and beautiful. You listen to everything I say. You help me organize my thoughts when I feel confused."

Without looking up, he continued, "I've made countless things out of clay and porcelain since I was nineteen."

"My parents said that I was talented. I felt young at the time. I didn't think I was that capable until you told me so."

His gaze lifted to my face. "I couldn't have thought of starting this on my own. You drive me forward."

Blinking away, I pressed my lips together to reign back the moisture in my eyes.

"You're the one who's doing more. The support you give me is what brought us here." He didn't keep quiet after that.

"You are that pillar I need to steady my uncertain self. Without you, I'm going to crumble."

"Lilith?" I couldn't look at him in the eye since my eyes were misty.

"I can't do this without you." He whispered not long after and I looked up at him.

"Stop!" I slightly hit his chest when my vision blurred. "You're making me cry." I hit him a second time when I felt the first tear on my cheek.

"I didn't mean to-" he attempted to hold my face but I hid my puffy face into his chest, wrapping my arms around him.

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