The Past, the Present, and Everything in Between

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Ling couldn't get Orm out of her head. As much as she tried to focus on her usual routines, her thoughts kept drifting back to that night by the river. Orm's confident smile, her gentle touch, the way she made Ling feel both at ease and completely unraveled—all of it was stuck in her mind like a melody she couldn't shake.

At work, Ling tried to keep busy. But every time the door opened, she found herself glancing up, half-expecting Orm to walk in with that same teasing grin. Instead, it was just the usual customers—except today, one of them wasn't so usual.

Bright strolled into the coffee shop like he owned the place. Dressed in black, with an aura that screamed rock star, he caught everyone's attention the moment he walked in. Ling, who was behind the counter, felt a strange mix of curiosity and unease. There was something about him that felt... familiar. Not in the sense that she knew him personally, but familiar in the way that a storm felt familiar—a kind of quiet before something big.

"Hey," Bright said, his voice smooth as he leaned against the counter. "Coffee, black. Strong."

Ling nodded, trying to shake off the strange tension in the air. She made his coffee, all the while feeling his eyes on her. When she handed it to him, their fingers brushed, and Ling felt a jolt of electricity.

Bright took a sip, his eyes still on her. "You know Orm, don't you?"

Ling blinked, caught off guard. "Uh, yeah. She comes in here sometimes."

Bright smiled, but it wasn't a warm smile—it was more like the smile of someone who knew something you didn't. "Thought so. You look like her type."

Ling didn't know what to say to that, so she just gave a polite smile and turned her attention to the next customer. But even as she busied herself with work, she couldn't shake the feeling that Bright's visit had been anything but random.

Meanwhile, Orm was having a rough day. The encounter with Ling had left her in a good mood, but that had quickly soured after her band's latest rehearsal. Ingfa and Tan had gotten into a heated argument over a new song, and Bow had tried to mediate, only to make things worse. The tension in the room was palpable, and Orm had found herself snapping at everyone.

After rehearsal, Orm decided to clear her head by going for a drive. She ended up near the coffee shop but decided against going in. Ling didn't need to see her like this, especially not after such a perfect night. Instead, she drove to a spot by the beach, a place she often went to think.

As she sat there, staring out at the water, her thoughts drifted back to Bright. Their history was complicated, to say the least. They had been rivals from the start, pushing each other to be better musicians, but that rivalry had turned bitter over time. Bright had a way of getting under her skin, of making her question everything.

And now he was back, right when things with Ling were starting to get interesting. Orm wasn't sure what his game was, but she knew it wouldn't be anything good. She just hoped she could keep whatever was between her and Ling safe from the mess that was bound to come.

Back at the coffee shop, Ling couldn't stop thinking about Bright. There was something about the way he had looked at her, the way he had mentioned Orm, that set her on edge. She decided to text Orm, just to let her know that Bright had stopped by.

Orm's reply was quick and to the point: "Stay away from him. He's trouble."

That only made Ling more curious, but she didn't press. Instead, she focused on her work and tried not to think too much about what Bright's presence could mean. But as the day went on, she found herself replaying her conversation with Orm over and over in her head. There was something she wasn't telling her—something big.

That evening, Orm finally made her way to the coffee shop, just before closing. Ling was wiping down the counter when she walked in, and she looked up with a small, nervous smile.

"Hey," Orm said, her voice soft as she approached the counter. "Long day?"

Ling nodded. "Yeah, you could say that."

Orm leaned against the counter, her gaze intense as she looked at Ling. "Listen, about Bright... you really should stay away from him. He's not who he seems."

Ling hesitated, biting her lip. "Is it... is it because of your past?"

Orm's eyes widened slightly in surprise. "He told you about that?"

Ling shook her head. "No, but... I can tell there's something between you two."

Orm let out a sigh, running a hand through her hair. "It's complicated. We were close once—rivals, friends, something more at one point. But it all went south. Now, he's back, and I don't trust him."

Ling nodded, sensing the weight of Orm's words. "I'll be careful."

Orm smiled, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "I'm sorry you're getting dragged into all of this. I just... I didn't want you to get caught up in my mess."

Ling reached out, her hand gently touching Orm's. "I'm not scared, Orm. I want to be here, with you."

Orm looked at Ling, her heart swelling with a mix of emotions she hadn't felt in a long time. Gratitude, fear, hope—all of it tangled together in a way that made her feel both vulnerable and alive.

"Thanks, Ling," Orm whispered, squeezing her hand gently. "That means a lot to me."

They stood there for a moment, the silence between them filled with unspoken words. But before they could say anything more, the door to the coffee shop opened, and Bright walked in, his presence immediately commanding the room.

"Evening, ladies," he said with a smirk, his eyes flicking between Orm and Ling. "Hope I'm not interrupting anything."

Ling's heart raced as she looked between Orm and Bright, the tension in the air so thick it was almost suffocating. Whatever was about to happen, she knew it was going to change everything.

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