Playing With Fire

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The day started like any other, with the soft hum of traffic outside the café and the smell of fresh espresso filling the air. Ling had her usual calm demeanor as she wiped down the counters, her movements precise and efficient. But inside, her mind was anything but calm.

Ling had been preparing for this moment for days. Ever since Orm had opened up to her, spilling every painful memory, every wound that Bright and the producer had inflicted on her, Ling's mission had become clear. She was going to destroy them. But this was more than just protection now—it was vengeance.

It was only a matter of time before Bright showed up at her café, and she knew it. The kind of man who thrived on control and fear wouldn't be able to resist. He would come to try and rattle her, to scare her off, and that was exactly what Ling wanted. She wanted him to make the first move, to give her the reason she needed to take him down.

Bright arrived at the café just before closing.

Ling spotted him through the glass door as soon as he approached—his leather jacket slick with rain, his eyes hidden behind sunglasses even though it was dusk. His arrogance was palpable even before he stepped inside. Ling could already sense his intentions, the way he carried himself as if he owned the world.

He strutted in like a predator, but Ling was ready for him. She was the real predator here, and he had just walked into her den.

"Well, well, if it isn't the protective girlfriend," Bright sneered as he approached the counter, his voice dripping with mockery.

Ling didn't flinch. She didn't even look up right away, instead finishing wiping down the last of the tables with her usual nonchalance. She wanted him to feel insignificant. When she finally did look up, her expression was bored, unimpressed.

"Need a latte?" she asked, her tone casual, as if he were any other customer. "We've got a special today—comes with a free lesson in how not to be an asshole."

Bright's smirk faltered for a second, but he quickly recovered. He leaned against the counter, trying to loom over her, but Ling stood her ground, her eyes cold and sharp.

"You think you're funny, huh?" he said, his voice lowering as he tried to intimidate her. "Do you even know who you're dealing with?"

Ling leaned in slightly, her lips curling into a smile that didn't reach her eyes. "Yeah, I do. I'm dealing with a little boy who doesn't know when he's out of his league."

Bright's face darkened, but Ling was relentless. She could see his fragile ego cracking, and she wasn't going to let up. Not now.

"Does it bother you?" Ling continued, her voice dripping with dangerous calm. "That Orm's done with you? That she's not scared of you anymore?"

Bright's jaw clenched, and she could see the fire rising in his eyes. He wanted to control the situation, but she wasn't letting him. She was taking his power away, piece by piece, and it enraged him.

"You have no idea what you're talking about," Bright snapped, his fists tightening at his sides. "Orm's mine. She's always been mine. You think you can just waltz into her life and take her away from me?"

Ling chuckled softly, leaning back against the counter, arms casually crossed. "Take her away from you? You already lost her. She doesn't belong to anyone, least of all you."

Bright slammed his fist on the counter, making the nearby cups rattle, but Ling didn't flinch. She'd been waiting for this, for him to lose control. Every second that passed made him more reckless, and it was exactly what she needed.

"You really think you can scare me with that tough-guy act?" Ling taunted, her eyes gleaming with a challenge. "You're pathetic. You're nothing but a coward who preys on people you think are weaker than you."

Bright leaned forward, his face close to hers, his breath hot with fury. "Watch your mouth," he hissed. "You don't know who you're messing with."

Ling smiled, a slow, deliberate smile. "No, Bright," she whispered, her voice lethal. "You don't know who you're messing with."

Before Bright could react, she was already walking away from the counter, heading towards the back of the café. "I think we're done here," she said over her shoulder, dismissing him with the same casual attitude that drove him crazy.

But before she could disappear behind the door, Bright's voice cut through the air, dripping with venom. "If you think you can protect her, you're dead wrong. I'll take her back, and when I do, she'll wish she never met you."

Ling stopped in her tracks, her hand tightening on the doorframe. She took a deep breath, steadying herself. When she turned back to him, her expression was colder than ever, her eyes like shards of ice.

"Touch her," Ling said, her voice low and filled with unyielding resolve, "and I'll make sure you regret it. I swear, Bright... you'll wish you never met either of us."

With that, she disappeared into the back, leaving Bright standing alone, seething with rage.

Once back at her apartment, Ling wasted no time. She walked straight to her secret room, the hidden fortress beneath her home. The lights flickered on, illuminating the vast array of weapons and technology.

On one side of the room stood a large whiteboard, covered in photos, names, and arrows connecting everything like a web of conspiracy. Bright's name was circled in red, a mark of her personal vendetta. Below it, she had added new information her colleagues had just sent over. They were getting closer, inch by inch, to unraveling the network of lies, crimes, and betrayals that surrounded Bright and the people he worked with.

Along the opposite wall hung a selection of weapons, from handguns to knives, all meticulously arranged. This wasn't just a room—it was her war zone.

Ling walked over to the whiteboard, staring at Bright's name for a moment before grabbing a marker and underlining it with a deep stroke. She was ready for him. She was always ready.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket, pulling her out of her thoughts. She glanced at the screen—another update from her team. But this one wasn't about Bright. It was something else, something unexpected.

She opened the message, her eyes narrowing as she read the new intel. Her pulse quickened. This wasn't just about Orm anymore. There was something bigger at play, something that could blow everything wide open.

Ling's jaw clenched as she paced the room, her mind racing with the implications of what she had just learned. She needed to act fast. Whatever Bright was involved in, it went deeper than she thought. And she wasn't going to let him slip away this time.

Later that night, Ling found herself back at Orm's place. She had promised to keep her distance, to give Orm some space, but she couldn't stay away. Not now. Not when she knew the storm that was brewing.

Orm opened the door, her face lighting up with surprise and relief when she saw Ling standing there. Without a word, Ling stepped inside, pulling her into a tight embrace.

"I'm sorry I left," Ling whispered against her hair. "I just... I had to take care of some things."

Orm pulled back slightly, looking up at her with soft, questioning eyes. "Are you okay? You seem... tense."

Ling smiled, a sad smile, and cupped Orm's cheek gently. "I'm fine. I just needed to be sure that you're safe. That no one can hurt you."

Orm frowned, sensing the weight of something unspoken behind Ling's words. "Ling... what's going on?"

Ling hesitated for a moment, her thumb brushing softly over Orm's cheek. She wanted to tell her everything. She wanted to explain what she was doing, what she was planning. But she couldn't—not yet.

"Just trust me," Ling said softly, pressing a kiss on Orm's forehead. "I'm going to make sure no one ever hurts you again. Not Bright, not anyone."

Orm's eyes searched Ling's face, a flicker of worry crossing them. But she nodded, trusting Ling, even though she didn't fully understand what was happening.

Ling pulled her closer, holding her as if she could shield her from all the darkness in the world. In that moment, she swore to herself that no matter what it took, she would protect Orm. She would take down anyone who stood in their way, and she wouldn't stop until Bright was nothing more than a distant, bitter memory.

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