In the Arms of Redemption

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Ling couldn't shake the heaviness that lingered in her chest. She replayed the events from the other night in her mind constantly—the argument, Orm's tears, the gut-wrenching feeling of watching her drive away. Every day at the café felt like an eternity. Her coworkers tried to cheer her up with little jokes, pats on the shoulder, and even her favorite snacks. But none of it worked. Her heart wasn't there. It was with Orm.

Every evening, after closing the café, Ling found herself parked outside Orm's apartment. She didn't leave, just sat there, watching the lights flicker on and off through the curtains. She couldn't bring herself to go inside, not yet. She hoped Orm would come out, maybe by chance see her sitting there, but it never happened.

On the fifth day, Ling had enough. The pain in her chest grew unbearable, and she knew she couldn't let this silence stretch any longer. She parked in her usual spot outside Orm's apartment, took a deep breath, and got out of the car. She marched up to Orm's door, determination replacing her earlier hesitations.

"Orm!" she called, knocking firmly. "It's me, Ling. Please, we need to talk."

There was silence for a moment, followed by Orm's muffled voice. "Just leave me alone, Ling."

Ling let out a frustrated sigh. "I'm not leaving until you talk to me. If you won't open the door, I swear I'll break in."

She heard a tired laugh from the other side. "Do whatever floats your boat," Orm said dismissively.

Ling smirked at the challenge. Oh, I will, she thought, making her way around to the balcony. The building's layout was familiar to her, and sneaking into Orm's apartment wasn't as hard as she'd let on. Without making a sound, Ling climbed up, slipped through the balcony door, and quietly padded into the living room.

Orm, sitting on the couch with her back to the balcony, was none the wiser. Ling stood behind her for a moment, arms crossed, a mischievous grin on her face. She could feel the tension in the air, but she needed to break through the wall that had grown between them.

"Didn't think I'd actually do it, huh?" Ling's voice cut through the silence.

Orm jumped, turning around with wide eyes, her heart nearly leaping out of her chest. "What the—Ling!" she screamed, her hand flying to her chest as she tried to catch her breath. Ling's laughter filled the room, a lightness breaking the tense atmosphere.

"You should've seen your face," Ling teased, earning herself a firm slap on the chest.

"Are you insane?!" Orm scolded, her brows furrowed in a mix of fear and annoyance. "Who does that?!"

"Apparently me." Ling grinned, rubbing her chest where Orm's hand had hit. "I didn't think you'd scare so easily. What happened to all that bravery?"

Orm rolled her eyes, but a small smile tugged at her lips despite herself. "You're impossible."

Ling's playful demeanor softened as she gently took Orm's wrist, pulling her closer. "I'm sorry, Orm," she whispered, the laughter fading into something more tender. "For everything."

Orm looked away, trying to keep her emotions in check, but Ling's touch was grounding her, pulling her back from the storm of hurt and confusion she'd been drowning in for days.

Orm tried to keep her emotions in check, but the intensity of the moment was overwhelming. Ling's presence was like an anchor, grounding her in a storm of doubt and frustration. She wanted to stay upset, to push Ling away for the betrayal she felt, but her touch softened those edges.

Ling's eyes locked on hers, filled with regret, vulnerability, and something deeper—love that had never wavered despite everything. "Orm," Ling whispered, her voice trembling slightly. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I just didn't know how to let you in... fully."

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