Waking to a New Reality

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Ling's eyes fluttered open, the morning light streaming through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room. The first thing she noticed was the warmth against her side, and as she turned her head, her breath caught at the sight of Orm lying peacefully beside her.

The memories of the night before flooded back, and Ling's cheeks flushed a deep crimson. She had never felt anything so intense, so right, and yet the reality of it all was overwhelming. As she admired Orm's sleeping form, her gaze traveled down, and her smile faded slightly when she noticed something she hadn't seen before.

There, just above Orm's collarbone, was a small, faded scar. Ling's brow furrowed in concern as her eyes continued to wander. Another scar was visible on Orm's exposed thigh, peeking out from beneath the blanket, and yet another under her chest, dangerously close to her heart.

Ling couldn't help but reach out, her fingers tracing the scar on Orm's thigh with the lightest touch, her mind racing with questions. Who could have hurt Orm? What had she gone through to have these marks on her body?

Orm stirred at Ling's touch, her eyes slowly opening. A sleepy smile spread across her face when she saw Ling so close, but it quickly faded as she noticed the concern in Ling's eyes.

"Ling? What's wrong?" Orm's voice was husky from sleep, but it held a note of worry.

Ling hesitated, her fingers still resting on the scar. "These... scars. What happened to you?"

Orm glanced down at where Ling's hand rested, then back up at Ling with a dismissive smile. "Oh, those? They're nothing. Just some old wounds from when I was a kid. I was always getting into trouble."

But Ling wasn't convinced. There was something in Orm's tone, something in the way she quickly brushed the topic aside, that made Ling think there was more to the story. She gently cupped Orm's face, her thumb brushing across Orm's cheek. "Orm... you can tell me if something's wrong. You don't have to hide it from me."

Orm leaned into Ling's touch, her eyes softening. "There's nothing to hide, Ling. I promise. They don't hurt anymore. They're just a part of me now." She kissed Ling's palm, trying to ease her worry.

Ling nodded, though the concern in her eyes didn't entirely disappear. She let it go for now, deciding not to push Orm further, but she made a mental note to revisit the topic later. Right now, she wanted to focus on the present—on them.

As Orm pulled Ling closer, their bodies pressed together under the warmth of the blankets, the tension from their conversation seemed to melt away. Orm's hand slipped under Ling's chin, tilting her head up for a slow, languid kiss that left them both breathless.

"I'm glad you stayed with me," Ling whispered against Orm's lips, her voice low and filled with affection.

"I'm glad you wanted me to," Orm replied, her voice barely above a whisper as she nuzzled closer to Ling.

They lay there for a while, just enjoying the quiet intimacy of the moment, their hands wandering lazily over each other's bodies, creating a tension that neither seemed in a hurry to resolve. But eventually, the morning called, and they reluctantly pulled themselves out of bed.

As they dressed and made their way to the kitchen, Ling couldn't help but feel a flutter of nerves. The morning after their first night together, everything felt so new, so fragile. She wanted to make it perfect.

"Want some breakfast?" Ling asked, trying to sound casual as she rummaged through the kitchen for ingredients.

"Only if you're cooking," Orm teased, leaning against the counter with a smirk that made Ling's heart skip a beat.

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