Shadows of Vengeance

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Ling moved through the dimly lit warehouse like a ghost, her black tactical gear blending into the shadows. The air was thick with tension, and the only sounds were the faint hum of electricity from the lights flickering overhead. She had been tracking this operation for weeks—another one of Bright's and the producer's hidden networks. It wasn't the big fish yet, but it was a step closer.

Her eyes scanned the scene in front of her. Armed guards patrolled lazily, unaware of the danger lurking in the darkness. She had counted at least ten, but that didn't worry her. She had taken on more challenging missions with the SBB, and this wasn't even a warm-up for her.

Ling crouched behind a stack of crates, her hands deftly attaching a small EMP device to the metal structure. She checked her watch and waited. Five... four... three...


The lights went out, plunging the entire warehouse into darkness. Confusion erupted as the guards started shouting to one another, trying to figure out what had happened. Ling used the chaos to slip through the gaps in their patrols, her movements fluid and silent. She moved like water, smooth and untraceable, taking down guards one by one with precision strikes.

Her knife was her closest companion tonight, cutting through the air with deadly accuracy. A throat slit here, a knee dislocated there. She moved so fast and efficiently that the guards didn't even have time to raise the alarm before collapsing in a heap. Within minutes, the entire perimeter was clear, and Ling made her way toward the control room.

The door creaked slightly as she pushed it open, revealing a small office cluttered with surveillance equipment and stacks of documents. Ling's eyes narrowed as she scanned the room. She pulled out a flash drive from her pocket and inserted it into one of the computers, copying all the data she could find.

Once the transfer was complete, she left her signature—a message taped to the monitor. It read:

"You're next."

Satisfied, she left the control room as silently as she had entered. Her next destination was an underground gambling den, a cover for the producer's operations. As she exited the warehouse, she detonated a small charge, blowing the facility's power grid and sending the entire site into a frenzy. No one would know who had been there, but they would certainly feel the impact.

The night was far from over, and Ling was relentless. Each location she hit was another strike at Bright and his cronies. Each time, she left a message, a reminder that their time was running out. She moved like a force of nature—untouchable, unstoppable. Her training as one of Thailand's top SBB agents had made her a deadly weapon, and tonight, she wielded it with precision.

By the time she was done, three of their major sites had been raided, and the underworld was buzzing with confusion. They didn't know who was behind the attacks, but the messages left behind made it clear that someone was coming for them.

As the adrenaline started to fade, Ling slipped into a quiet alleyway, her heart still pounding from the thrill of the raids. Her phone buzzed in her pocket, and she answered without hesitation.

"Ling? Where have you been?" Orm's voice was soft but filled with concern. "I haven't seen you all day."

Ling's hardened expression softened at the sound of Orm's voice. "I've been taking care of some things," she replied, glancing at the time. "Do you want to meet up?"

Orm hesitated on the other end of the line. "You sure? I don't want to interrupt whatever you're doing."

Ling smiled, her heart warming at the concern. "Don't worry. I've taken care of everything that needed my attention. I'll see you soon."

When Ling arrived at her café, she made sure to act as if she had been busy with something before Orm showed up. The scent of freshly brewed coffee still lingered in the air, blending with the low hum of light jazz playing in the background. Ling grabbed a cloth and casually wiped down the counter, giving herself something to do, just in case Orm asked why she hadn't been around. She didn't want Orm to get suspicious. After all, Orm had a lot in her plate and worrying about Ling as well would be too much of a burden. At least thats what Ling thought.

Just as she thought that, her phone buzzed in her pocket. She pulled it out and saw Orm's name flash on the screen.

"Where's my favorite barista?" Orm's playful voice greeted her before Ling could say anything.

Ling chuckled, leaning against the counter. "Right here, waiting for you to sweep me off my feet."

"Well, lucky for you," Orm teased, "I'm parked outside. You done with your shift?"

Ling smirked, stepping away from the counter and peeking through the window to spot Orm's car parked by the curb. "I'm always done when it's for you. Let me lock up, and I'll be out in five."

A few minutes later, Ling stepped out into the night, spotting Orm leaning against her car with a cheeky smile. "You always know how to make an entrance, don't you?"

Orm laughed, pushing herself off the car to meet Ling halfway. "You know it. Ready to go?"

Ling raised an eyebrow, the boldness in her eyes undeniable. "Depends. Where are you taking me?"

Orm tilted her head, as if deep in thought. "How about a rooftop? Just you, me, and the city skyline?"

Ling leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. "You know I like it when it's just the two of us."

Orm's cheeks flushed as Ling's lips lingered near her ear, but she quickly regained composure. "Rooftop it is, then."

They ended up at a rooftop bar, the city skyline sprawled out before them. The air was warm, with a soft breeze that carried the sound of distant traffic. The two women sat on a plush couch under the stars, the flickering candlelight between them setting a perfect mood. Ling was much more relaxed now, her confidence apparent as she leaned back, eyes locked on Orm.

"You know," Ling started, her voice smooth and teasing, "I've been thinking..."

Orm raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh? What about?"

Ling leaned forward, closing the space between them. "About how irresistible you are," she said, her fingers gently tracing the back of Orm's hand.

Orm's breath caught for a moment, a smile tugging at her lips. "Is that so?"

Ling nodded, her gaze never leaving Orm's eyes. "Mhm. I've been thinking about it all day... how I can't seem to get enough of you."

Orm's laugh was soft but genuine. "Well, I'm not complaining. I've been missing you too."

Ling grinned, her confidence shining as she leaned in closer, her lips brushing against Orm's ear. "Then maybe I should do something about that."

Before Orm could respond, Ling kissed her—soft, slow, and deliberate. It wasn't a question, but a promise that the night was far from over. When she pulled back, Orm looked at her with wide eyes, breathless.

"Bold move," Orm whispered, her voice barely audible over the sound of the city.

Ling smirked, pulling Orm closer. "I told you I've been thinking about you."

Orm shook her head with a laugh, her eyes filled with affection. "You're something else, Ling."

"And you love it," Ling teased, pressing another kiss to Orm's lips, savoring the moment.

They spent the rest of the night flirting, talking, and laughing like there was no tomorrow, the city skyline serving as the perfect backdrop to their deepening connection. Ling felt a sense of peace being with Orm, knowing that despite all the chaos surrounding them, they still had this—these moments of pure happiness.

As the night wore on, they walked hand in hand back to Orm's car, the world around them feeling small compared to the bond they shared.

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