The Unmasking

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The soft hum of chatter filled the grand hall, the warm glow of chandeliers casting a gentle light over the crowd as Orm stepped up to the stage. She had always thrived in the spotlight, but tonight felt different more charged. The charity event had brought together powerful figures, many with their own agendas, but Orm was here for more than just music or philanthropy. She was about to set the stage for a much bigger reveal, and the anticipation thrummed in her veins.

With a composed smile, she approached the microphone, her voice ringing out confidently as the crowd quieted to listen.

"Thank you all for being here tonight. This event holds a special place in my heart, and the cause we're supporting tonight is one that truly makes a difference." She paused, glancing briefly at Ling, who stood off to the side, a pillar of silent strength. "Tonight, we've come together not just for the music, but to help those who need it most. And none of this would be possible without the generosity of so many."

Orm's eyes swept across the audience, landing momentarily on Bright, who stood beside Apinan. There was a glint in his eye that made her stomach turn, but she maintained her calm exterior. This was just the beginning.

"And while many of you have contributed to making this event a success," Orm continued, her voice gaining strength, "there is one person in particular who has gone above and beyond with a donation so generous, it left us all speechless."

She paused for effect, watching as Bright straightened in his seat, his smug smile beginning to spread. He clearly thought this moment was for him, but Orm had other plans.

"I'd like to give a huge thanks to my girlfriend, Ling Ling Kwong, for her incredible contribution of two million dollars to this charity." The crowd gasped in unison, heads whipping toward Ling in astonishment.

Bright's smile vanished instantly, his eyes widening in shock. The shift in the room was palpable, and Orm relished every second of it. "Yes, you heard that right," she said, her smile widening. "Two million dollars. Ling, you've shown the world your heart tonight."

Orm extended her hand toward Ling, beckoning her to the stage. The room held its breath as Ling made her way up, her stride purposeful, every bit the commanding presence she always was. When she reached Orm, she took her hand, kissed the back of it, and then pulled Orm closer, planting a soft kiss on her cheek. The crowd erupted into applause.

Ling approached the microphone, her gaze calm but sharp as she began her speech.

"I didn't make this contribution for recognition," she started, her voice low and measured, yet commanding attention. "I did it because I believe that power, when used right, can make a difference. I've been blessed in my life, and I wanted to share that blessing with those less fortunate."

Orm watched her with admiration, proud of Ling's strength and poise. But her attention was quickly drawn to Bright, whose expression had turned from stunned to furious. His fists clenched at his sides, and it was clear he was losing control.

Ling's eyes met Bright's, and she didn't blink as she continued, her words now directed at him as much as the crowd. "We're all here tonight to show that no matter how dark things get, there's always a way to bring light. I stand by that belief. And I stand by Orm my wonderful girlfriend."

Bright couldn't take it anymore. "This is a joke!" he shouted, pushing his chair back violently as he stood. His voice boomed through the hall, drawing all eyes to him. "You think you can just waltz in here and throw your money around like you own the place? Like you own her?"

Ling raised an eyebrow, still holding her calm. "I don't need to own anything, Bright. Orm makes her own choices. And tonight she clearly stated hers."

Before Bright could reply, Apinan stood up, his face contorted with anger. "You fool!" he growled, grabbing Bright by the arm and yanking him toward the back of the room.

Orm's heart raced as she watched them go. She felt Ling's protective hand on her back, and for a moment, they exchanged a silent glance of reassurance. But the moment wasn't over yet.

Apinan shoved Bright against the wall, his eyes burning with fury. "Do you realize what you've done? You've made a spectacle of yourself in front of every important person here!"

Bright stammered, trying to defend himself. "I-I didn't know she was going to say that. She—"

"Shut up!" Apinan hissed. "You're a liability. I've let you act on your obsession with Orm long enough, but now it's costing us. I'm done with your games."

Bright's face paled. "Wait... wait, I can fix this! I—"

Apinan sneered, shaking his head. "No, Bright. You can't fix this." He pulled his phone from his pocket, sending a rapid text before turning back to him. "You've outlived your usefulness."

On the other side Orm leaned closer to Ling, whispering, "Is it time?"

Ling nodded slightly, her voice calm. "It's time."

Just as she said it, the doors burst open. SBB agents stormed into the room, their tactical gear glinting under the chandelier lights. Gasps filled the hall as the guests scrambled to make sense of what was happening.

Ling didn't miss a beat. She wrapped her arms protectively around Orm, pulling her close as if shielding her from the chaos. The crowd watched, stunned, as reporters clicked away, capturing every moment of Ling's act of protection and the chaos that was happening.

Orm buried her face in Ling's shoulder, allowing herself a brief moment of vulnerability for the cameras. She knew this image would be everywhere by morning the fierce girlfriend protecting the rockstar. The narrative would play perfectly into their hands.

Meanwhile, in the back room, Apinan's phone buzzed again. He glanced at the message and swore under his breath. Without a second thought, he turned on his heel and bolted for the exit, leaving Bright behind to face the consequences.

Bright, realizing he was alone, looked around frantically, but it was too late. The agents had surrounded him, their voices barking orders as they slapped cuffs onto his wrists.

Outside, Apinan slipped into a sleek black car, his jaw clenched in frustration. He wouldn't forget this night—or the betrayal. As the car sped off into the night, his mind raced with thoughts of revenge, leaving Bright to take the fall.


Author's Note: Sooo I'm curious about something...Imagine you find out a huge secret about someone you're close to. Not just any secret something that could totally change the way you see them, but they don't know you've figured it out. What do you do? Do you confront them, let it slide, or just silently distance yourself? How would you handle that? 👀

Oh, and today's song recommendation: Dhruv's "Moonlight." It just hits different when you're in your feels. 🌙

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