Unraveling the Threads

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Apinan sat in the dimly lit office of his lavish home, the weight of betrayal gnawing at his mind. The air was thick with tension, the kind that tightened around him like an invisible noose. He had prided himself on always being two steps ahead, on knowing exactly who to trust and when to strike. But now... he was on the back foot.

"Who set me up?" he muttered under his breath, fingers tapping rhythmically against the polished surface of his desk. His mind raced, tracing the events of the gala, every interaction, every subtle glance. Someone had outplayed him, and the thought of it sent his blood boiling.

He stood abruptly, pacing the room, his mind fixating on every potential culprit. Ling? It had to be her. Her arrogance, the way she strutted across the stage, as if she had won some private war. And Orm, wrapped in her arms, glowing with a smug sense of victory. They were behind this. They had to be. But... something didn't add up.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door creaking open. His assistant, a quiet and calculating man named Thanom, stepped inside, bowing his head slightly before speaking. "Sir," his voice was calm but cautious. "I've spoken to all of our insiders. None of them know where Bright is. It's like he vanished."

Apinan turned sharply, his eyes narrowing. "Vanished? How does someone like Bright vanish? He's not exactly subtle." There was venom in his voice, but more than that—there was frustration. "He was right there. He was there when the raid happened. So, what? Did he vanish into thin air?"

Thanom shook his head. "No, sir. It's not that simple. None of our contacts in law enforcement have mentioned anything. There's no record of an arrest or any official report. It's like... it didn't happen."

A silence hung between them, heavy with implications.

Apinan's jaw tightened. "This stinks of something bigger. Someone erased him from existence or at least, they're trying to make it seem that way." He walked toward Thanom, his voice lowering into a dark, dangerous tone. "I want answers. Find them. Start with the recordings from the event. Every camera, every angle. I want them on my desk."

Thanom nodded, already moving to comply. "Of course, sir. I'll retrieve them immediately."

Hours Later Apinan sat back in his chair, staring at the screen in front of him. The USB drive was plugged into his laptop, and footage from the gala played before him. He had watched it over and over again, each frame burned into his mind. There was nothing nothing suspicious, nothing out of place. The cameras had captured everything. Or so it seemed.

But something was gnawing at him, a feeling he couldn't shake. There was something... off. He watched the moment where the SBB agents stormed in, where the chaos erupted. People panicking, rushing to the exits, Bright being dragged away, his face twisted in rage.

And then... nothing. The footage cut off.

Apinan leaned forward, his heart pounding. He rewound it, played it again. The same thing. The moment the raid began, the recording stopped, as if the entire event had been wiped clean.

He slammed his fist against the desk, fury bubbling to the surface. "Deleted. Someone deleted it."

His phone rang, pulling him out of his thoughts. He answered it immediately. "Thanom."

"Sir, it's exactly as you thought. The footage was tampered with. I've been in contact with the security team. They're claiming they have no idea what happened, but... something tells me otherwise."

Apinan gritted his teeth. "Bring them to me. All of them. I want names, and I want them now."

Thanom hesitated for a brief moment. "Yes, sir. I'll have them here within the hour."

As the call ended, Apinan stared at the blank screen in front of him, his mind racing. Someone had gone to great lengths to erase that part of the night, and whoever it was... they had made a grave mistake. He wasn't one to let such betrayals go unanswered.

"They think they can outplay me," he muttered darkly to himself, his fingers curling into fists. "They think they can win."

A slow, menacing smile spread across his face as he leaned back in his chair, the shadows of his office casting long, sinister lines across his features.

"They have no idea who they're dealing with."


Author's Note: So, I've had a pretty great weekend so far, but today took a turn... 🙃 My sinuses decided to act up again, and not only am I dealing with immense pain, but I also managed to cut my finger on a glass and now it's all swollen even after disinfecting it. Seriously, it hurts a lot. 😩 Anyway, just needed to vent a little! I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! 🫶🏻

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