Secrets and Surprises

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Orm walked away from Ling's apartment, her phone buzzing in her pocket with the unknown number flashing on the screen. She hesitated for a moment, then answered, her voice steady as she spoke, "This is Orm."

"Orm, it's Kai," the voice on the other end was calm, but there was an urgency behind it. "We need to meet. I've found something that you need to see."

Without missing a beat, Orm replied, "Where?"

"Same place as last time. I'll be there in fifteen minutes," Kai said before hanging up.

Orm walked briskly through the quiet streets until she reached the dimly lit alley where she and Kai had arranged their clandestine meetings. She spotted him leaning against the brick wall, his expression unreadable under the shadow of his cap.

As she approached, Kai nodded in acknowledgment. "I didn't want to say too much over the phone, but things are moving quickly. I've uncovered more about the people Bright has been involved with. It's worse than we thought."

Orm frowned, a knot tightening in her stomach. "Worse how?"

Kai handed her a folder. Inside were photographs, documents, and notes—evidence of Bright's connections to dangerous individuals, some of whom had a reputation for silencing those who got too close to the truth.

"Bright's been seen with some pretty dangerous people. The kind that don't leave loose ends. He's deeply entrenched in something big, and it's not just about his music," Kai explained. "I think he's using his influence to cover up crimes, maybe even planning something more sinister."

Orm's heart pounded in her chest, but she maintained her composure. "And Ling? He's been hanging around her. I don't trust it. He's already caused enough damage to me, I don't want him to hurt her."

Kai's gaze softened slightly. "I've noticed. He's been keeping tabs on her, but I don't think she's his main target. Not yet. But we need to be careful. Keep an eye on her and on him. I'll dig deeper, but you have to stay on guard."

Orm nodded, her jaw set in determination. "I will. And Kai, thank you... for everything."

Kai gave a small, almost imperceptible smile. "Just doing my job. I'll be in touch."

A few hours later, Orm walked into Ling's café, trying to push the unsettling conversation with Kai out of her mind. She needed to focus on something lighter, something that could make her forget, even if just for a little while.

As she entered, the members of her band were already there, sprawled across a couple of tables, laughing and chatting. They waved her over enthusiastically.

"Orm! Finally! We thought you got lost," Tan teased, his grin wide.

"Nah, just making sure I didn't scare everyone off with my bad hair day," Orm joked as she slid into a seat beside them. Her eyes quickly scanned the café, searching for Ling.

Bow, always the observant one, leaned in. "Looking for someone? Or should I say, someone special?"

Orm shot her a look, but before she could respond, Ling appeared from behind the counter, carrying a tray of drinks. She looked up and caught Orm's eye, offering a small, warm smile.

Tan nudged Orm playfully. "So, this is the famous Ling we've heard so much about, huh?"

Orm rolled her eyes. "Don't you start."

Ling approached their table, setting down the drinks with a polite nod. "Can I get you all anything else?"

Ingfa, with her usual mischievous glint, piped up, "Just a side of flirting, please. Extra spicy."

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