Love in the Spotlight

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The sun had just begun to filter through the curtains, casting a soft, warm glow over the room where Ling and Orm lay, wrapped in each other's arms. It was a rare moment of peace for them, with no paparazzi, no fans, and no Bright to haunt their thoughts. Ling stirred first, feeling Orm's breath against her neck, and smiled.

Orm shifted slightly, her lips brushing Ling's shoulder in a soft kiss. "Morning," she whispered, her voice laced with sleep but carrying a warmth that made Ling's heart skip.

Ling turned her head slightly to meet Orm's eyes, a mischievous glint flickering in her gaze. "Morning, love." She leaned in and kissed Orm, slow and tender, her hand gently trailing along her arm.

They stayed like that for a while, wrapped in the comfort of each other, the world outside forgotten. But eventually, Orm giggled, pulling back just slightly. "We should get up. I'm starving."

Ling groaned, playfully nuzzling into Orm's neck, refusing to let go. "I don't know... I think I'm good right here."

Orm laughed softly, gently pushing Ling back. "Come on, we have food to burn in the kitchen."

With a grin, Ling finally relented, rolling out of bed and stretching before following Orm to the kitchen. They moved together effortlessly, a rhythm born of love and practice. Orm grabbed ingredients from the fridge, and Ling stood behind her, wrapping her arms around her waist and resting her chin on her shoulder. "What's on the menu, chef?"

"Pancakes," Orm answered, her voice soft with affection. "But only if you stop distracting me."

Ling chuckled, pressing a kiss to Orm's cheek. "I make no promises."

They worked together, laughter filling the kitchen as they made a mess of the batter. Ling couldn't resist teasing Orm, sneaking bites of strawberries, and flour somehow ended up smeared on both their faces. As Orm flipped a pancake, Ling leaned in, her lips grazing the back of Orm's neck. "You're too cute when you're focused."

Orm blushed, her breath catching for just a moment. "Ling," she warned playfully, but the sound was soft, her voice betraying how much she enjoyed the attention.

Without another word, Ling turned her around, pulling her into a slow, deep kiss. Orm melted into it, her hands instinctively finding Ling's waist. The pancakes were quickly forgotten as the kiss deepened, hands wandering and breath quickening.

Orm leaned back against the counter, pulling Ling closer, her fingers tangling in her hair. "We're going to burn breakfast," she mumbled between kisses, her lips never quite leaving Ling's.

"Worth it," Ling whispered back, her hands sliding up Orm's back.

And sure enough, the faint smell of burning batter wafted through the air, but neither of them seemed to care. It wasn't until the smoke alarm began to beep that they reluctantly pulled apart, laughing breathlessly. "Okay, maybe not worth it," Ling admitted, trying to fan the smoke away.

Orm shook her head, still grinning as she turned off the stove. "I told you."

They salvaged what they could of breakfast, but the meal was more about the company than the food. They sat together, still in the haze of their morning love, stealing kisses between bites and sharing the occasional giggle.

After breakfast, they curled up on the couch, Ling's arm draped casually around Orm as they scrolled through the morning news on their phones. Almost immediately, they were bombarded with articles, tweets, and fan posts about the previous night's charity gala.

Orm grinned, showing her phone to Ling. "Look at this. #LingOrm is trending."

Ling raised an eyebrow, scrolling through her own feed. "Are they really shipping us that hard?"

Orm laughed. "Are you kidding? They're obsessed! Look at these comments."

Ling leaned in to read over Orm's shoulder, her eyes widening slightly. "Oh my god, some of these fans are wild. 'I would die for Ling and Orm'? Is that serious?"

Orm giggled, nudging her. "You better get used to it, rockstar. They love us."

Ling grinned, her heart swelling with pride and affection. "Can't say I blame them. I love us too."

With the buzz of the charity event still fresh, they decided to head out for a fun, low-key date. Dressed casually, they blended in well enough, but it wasn't long before someone recognized them.

They tried to enjoy their day—window shopping, stopping for coffee, and walking through the park. But with every step, more and more fans began to gather. Soon, they were surrounded by people asking for selfies, autographs, and excitedly shouting questions about their relationship.

Ling chuckled as she posed for a picture, leaning into Orm. "Well, so much for a quiet day out."

Orm smiled, but there was a hint of exhaustion in her eyes. "Maybe we should head home."

Ling nodded, wrapping an arm around her as they made their way back to the car, the crowd still buzzing around them. "Yeah, I think we've given them enough for one day."

Once they were back in the privacy of their home, they both collapsed onto the couch, laughing softly at the chaos of the day. "We can't go anywhere without being mobbed, can we?" Orm said, her voice full of affection despite the exhaustion.

Ling shook her head, pulling her closer. "Guess not. But hey, at least we're popular."

Orm smiled, resting her head on Ling's shoulder. "Yeah, I guess it's a good problem to have."

They spent the rest of the day relaxing together, grateful for the quiet after the whirlwind of the gala and the attention from their fans.

In the dimly lit cell, Bright sat alone, his mind spiraling into darkness. His hands, cuffed to the table in front of him, twitched with rage. The air was thick with silence, broken only by the sound of his shallow breathing. He had been in that cold, empty room for hours, left to stew in his anger and humiliation.

"They set me up... her... *that* girl." His voice was a low, dangerous growl. "I'll make them pay."

His thoughts twisted and turned, the venomous jealousy and hatred eating away at him. "She took everything from me... but this isn't over. It's never over."

A slow, sinister smile crept across his face as his mind began to plot. "I'll make them both regret the day they ever crossed me..."


Author's Note: OMG, did you all see the pics and videos from the latest LingOrm fan meeting?! I am going craaaaazy over here!! 😱 Like, seriously, Ling was being so bold toward Orm, it's everything we could've dreamed of and more!! 😌🔥 The chemistry, the vibes, everything—honestly, I'm still not over it. I mean, can we just talk about Ling's energy? The way she looked at Orm? I'm meltinggg! 😍

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