Unraveling Secrets

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Tension crackled in the air as Apinan turned to Ling, his gaze narrowing with suspicion. His earlier focus on Bright's betrayal shifted, and he studied Ling with the intensity of someone trying to piece together a puzzle. "Who are you?" His voice was calm, but there was a razor-sharp edge to it that cut through the silence in the room.

Before Ling could respond, Orm appeared out of nowhere, her movements confident yet controlled. Wrapping her arm around Ling's, she gave a proud, almost defiant smile. "She's my girlfriend," Orm announced, her voice steady and unwavering, a statement of both truth and protection. She held Ling's arm tighter, silently communicating that they were in this together.

Bright snorted, shaking his head, his eyes burning with jealousy. "Girlfriend, huh? Is that why she's sniffing around where she doesn't belong?" His words were laced with venom, clearly trying to provoke a reaction.

Before Ling could snap back, Apinan lifted a hand, silencing Bright with a glare. "Enough," Apinan said sharply, his voice dropping to a low, dangerous tone. He looked back at Orm, his eyes flickering with something unreadable. "You should keep a closer eye on your girlfriend, Orm. You wouldn't want her wandering into things that aren't her concern."

Orm's stomach churned, but she met Apinan's gaze without flinching. She knew this was a warning, a veiled threat wrapped in civility. The room felt suffocating, the air heavy with unspoken tension.

Apinan's expression softened, but there was no warmth in it. "Excuse us," he said, his voice smoother now. "We have matters to discuss. Private matters." His eyes lingered on Orm one last time, scanning her as if he was assessing something. Then, as if deciding to let the moment pass, he dismissed her with a curt nod and turned back to Bright. "Let's go."

Bright, still looking smug but now slightly rattled by Apinan's mood shift, threw a final look at Ling and Orm, opening his mouth to say something, but quickly closing it as Apinan strode away. He followed, a forced smile plastered across his face, his bravado dimmed.

Orm's grip on Ling tightened, her heart racing. Ling was calm, though, her mind already calculating the next move.

As Bright and Apinan disappeared into the next room, Orm exhaled. "He knows something. Apinan... he's not stupid. He was looking at us like he was putting pieces together."

Ling nodded, her eyes still trained on the door. "He suspects. But he doesn't know." She brought her hand to her earpiece, tapping it lightly, signaling Kai. "We don't have much time."

Apinan wasted no time once the door closed behind them. He turned on Bright, fury barely restrained in his eyes. "What the hell are you doing?" he barked, his voice echoing off the walls. "Do you have any idea what you've dragged us into?"

Bright flinched, his hands raised defensively. "I don't know what you're talking about! Everything's under control!"

"Control?" Apinan spat, his face twisting into a sneer. "You've been sloppy, arrogant, and now there are questions being asked that shouldn't be. Questions about Orm, about her girlfriend." He practically spat the word, frustration boiling over. "You think I haven't noticed how you've been obsessed with her? You think that's not going to cause problems?"

Bright's face darkened, but he tried to hold his ground. "Orm's nothing. She'll come back to me like she always does. I'm the only one who knows her, the only one she—"

Apinan slammed his hand down on the table, silencing him. "You're delusional! Orm is more dangerous than you think, and I'm starting to wonder if you're too blind to see it." He took a deep breath, controlling his rage. "I should have listened to my instincts. You've been nothing but a liability from the start."

Bright's bravado faltered, but he wasn't ready to back down completely. "I can fix this," he muttered, almost to himself. "I'll fix it."

"No," Apinan said coldly, his eyes narrowing. "You won't." He glanced towards the door, suspicion lingering in his gaze. "For now, we play along. But if you screw up again, Bright... you won't have to worry about Orm. I'll deal with you myself."

Bright swallowed hard, nodding, but the fear in his eyes betrayed him. He knew that Apinan wasn't making idle threats.

Ling's earpiece crackled to life with Kai's voice, calm but urgent. "We're in position. Just say the word."

Orm looked at Ling, her heart pounding. "Is this really going to work?"

Ling's expression softened for a moment as she looked at Orm, her hand brushing against Orm's. "It will," she said quietly. "I've planned for every scenario."

Orm nodded, trusting her, but still feeling the weight of what was about to happen. "What about Apinan? He's not going to be easy to take down."

Ling smirked, her confidence returning. "We don't need to take him down. We just need to make sure that Bright screws up."

Orm raised an eyebrow. "And you're sure he will?"

Ling's eyes gleamed. "Bright always screws up. All we need to do is make sure we're ready when he does."

The sound of heavy footsteps echoed in the hall as Bright and Apinan re-entered the room. Ling turned to Orm, her hand subtly tapping the earpiece in a signal to Kai.

"Now," she whispered.

In the distance, the sound of doors being breached and footsteps charging echoed through the building. The SBB agents were moving in, their precision and timing flawless.

Ling's lips curved into a cold smile. And just like that the trap was set.


Author's Note: Sooo, lately I've been thinking about making some "investments" for a better future... and you know what? I might just open a whole barn for chickens 🐔👀 literally.

Song recommendation for today will be: Hugel - I Adore You

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