A Day of Teasing and Vulnerability

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The fading light of the afternoon cast long shadows over the city as Orm stood outside the café, waiting for Ling to finish her shift. She leaned against the brick wall, her sunglasses masking her face, but her mind was racing. Today was important. She had asked Ling to help her shop for a new outfit for the band's upcoming performance, but it wasn't just about the clothes. Orm needed more than a wardrobe update—she needed Ling's reassurance.

Orm sighed, shaking her head. She felt silly, but there was no denying the anxiety bubbling up inside her. The concert wasn't just any show; it was once in a life time opportunity, it marked a turning point in her career, especially after the whirlwind events with Bright and his relentless presence in her life. She wanted to feel confident, but all her usual armor seemed fragile lately.

Ling appeared at the door of the cafe, her face lighting up as she spotted Orm. "Hey, ready for some serious fashion scouting?" she asked with a teasing smile, wiping her hands on her apron as she walked over.

Orm chuckled, pushing off the wall. "If by 'serious,' you mean picking out something that doesn't make me look like a glitter-covered disaster, then yes."

Ling's eyes sparkled with playful mischief. "Orm, you ARE a glitter-covered disaster. But I love that about you."

Orm shot her a look of mock offense. "I'm going to pretend you didn't just insult my entire aesthetic."

They laughed together as they began walking down the street, side by side, the familiar buzz of the city filling the silence between their words. It felt easy, natural, and yet, underneath it all, Orm's thoughts kept drifting back to her growing insecurities about the show, about Ling, about everything.

The first shop they entered was a trendy boutique, filled with edgy, rock-inspired outfits that seemed perfect for Orm's style. Ling immediately began picking out pieces, holding them up to Orm for approval.

"What do you think about this?" Ling asked, holding a black leather jacket with silver studs.

Orm eyed it, then shrugged. "It's fine."

Ling raised an eyebrow. "Just fine? I've seen you freak out over less!"

Orm smirked, but there was a tension behind it. "Guess I'm not in a freaking-out mood today."

Ling tilted her head, studying her. "You've been off for a while. Something's on your mind."

Orm opened her mouth to dismiss it, but something in Ling's expression made her stop. She sighed, running a hand through her hair. "It's just... the concert. It's a big deal. I feel like there's so much riding on this one performance, and with everything that's been happening, I don't feel ready."

Ling put down the jacket and stepped closer. "What's going on, Orm? You've done this a million times. Why's this one any different?"

Orm looked down, her fingers brushing against the edge of a hanger. "Because... I don't know if I can keep up. Everything's been spiraling. With Bright back, and the band getting more pressure from the label, I feel like I'm suffocating. I used to know exactly what I wanted, but now..." She trailed off, her voice tight with unspoken fears.

Ling placed a gentle hand on Orm's arm, pulling her closer. "You're not alone in this. You've got your band, your fans, and me. You don't have to carry all of it on your shoulders."

Orm exhaled, the weight of her worries easing just slightly. "I know, but it's hard not to. I've always been the one to hold things together. And now, with Bright lurking around, it's like I'm waiting for something to go wrong. I can't shake the feeling that I'll mess it all up."

Ling's grip tightened. "Listen to me, Orm. You are strong, talented, and one of the most determined people I've ever met. You've come this far because you CAN handle it. And as for Bright? He doesn't get to decide what happens next. You do."

Orm's heart swelled at Ling's words, the sincerity in her voice cutting through the storm in her mind. She looked into Ling's eyes, seeing nothing but warmth and support. "You always know what to say," Orm muttered with a faint smile.

Ling grinned. "Well, I can't let my rockstar girlfriend walk around like a defeated puppy, can I?"

Orm laughed softly, the sound easing some of the tension in her chest. "Thanks. I needed that."

"Anytime," Ling replied, stepping back and picking up the leather jacket again. "Now, try this on. Let's find something that makes you feel as badass as you are."

After a couple of hours and several outfits later, Orm finally found something she liked—a mix of bold and edgy, with a touch of elegance. Ling made sure to offer plenty of teasing remarks, pretending to be Orm's personal stylist, while Orm mocked her by striking ridiculous poses in front of the mirror.

But as the day wore on, there were quieter moments too—moments where Orm felt a little less burdened by her fears, where Ling's presence made everything feel a little lighter. It was in those moments that Orm realized just how much Ling's support meant to her. She wasn't just her girlfriend; she was her anchor in the middle of the storm.

When they finally left the last shop, bags in hand, Orm turned to Ling with a serious expression. "I don't think I've said this enough, but... you've helped me more than you know. Just being there. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Ling smiled, but there was a flicker of uncertainty in her eyes. "You'll never have to find out. I'm not going anywhere."

For a moment, Orm felt a rush of gratitude so overwhelming that she almost didn't know how to respond. Instead, she leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to Ling's lips, letting the gesture speak for itself.

They walked back to Orm's place in comfortable silence, the connection between them stronger than ever, even if Orm's thoughts still lingered on the shadows of her past. As much as she wanted to tell Ling everything, to lay all her fears about Bright on the table, she wasn't ready. Not yet.

But Ling, as always, seemed to sense her turmoil. When they reached Orm's apartment, she wrapped her arms around her from behind and whispered in her ear, "Whatever's bothering you, we'll face it together. You don't have to be afraid."

Orm closed her eyes, leaning into the embrace. "I know," she whispered back, her heart full but heavy at the same time. "I just hope I can protect you from it."

And with that, they stepped inside, ready to face whatever came next—together.

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