The Hunt Begins

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Apinan leaned back in his leather chair, the soft hum of the city outside barely cutting through the thick tension that filled his office. He had a sinking suspicion gnawing at him a feeling that no matter how much he tried to push it aside, kept coming back stronger. Ling and Orm. There was something about the two of them, something he couldn't quite place, but it was enough to make his gut twist.

He stared out the large windows of his penthouse, watching the city lights flicker, his mind racing with possibilities. If they were truly the ones who had set him up, this wasn't just a betrayal. It was a direct challenge a war he wasn't about to lose.

"They think they're clever," Apinan muttered to himself, his fingers tapping rhythmically against the armrest of his chair. "But no one outsmarts me. No one."

A soft knock on the door broke his thoughts, and Thanom, his ever-loyal assistant, stepped inside with the quiet efficiency that Apinan had come to expect.

"Sir, you asked to see me?" Thanom's voice was measured, as always.

"Yes," Apinan's tone was cold, calculating. "I want you to trail Ling and Orm. Discreetly. I need to know if my suspicions are correct. I want to know everything they're up to, where they go, who they meet. No detail is too small."

Thanom nodded, his expression unreadable. "I'll have my men on it immediately."

As Thanom left the room, Apinan sat in silence, the pieces of a deadly puzzle slowly starting to fall into place. His gut told him Ling was the mastermind behind it all, pulling strings in the shadows, playing the part of the innocent barista while plotting his downfall. He would expose her. And when he did, there would be nowhere for her to hide.

Ling moved through the bustling café with ease, the smell of freshly brewed coffee mingling with the soft murmur of conversations. To the outside world, she was just another face in the crowd, a barista in an unremarkable part of town. But underneath that guise, she was always watching, always planning.

She knew Apinan's men were following her. The way they moved, too carefully, too coordinated it gave them away. But she didn't panic. She never did. This wasn't the first time someone had tried to track her, and it certainly wouldn't be the last.

Ling smiled to herself as she pulled a shot of espresso, already crafting her next move. She would give them what they wanted just enough to keep their suspicion alive, but not enough to reveal her true hand. She couldn't afford any slip-ups, not with everything at stake.

Her first plan of action was simple: misdirection. She deliberately altered her routine, taking longer routes to work, stopping by random shops, and leaving behind subtle, confusing trails. She made sure to engage with customers more than usual, creating an image of a woman completely immersed in her daily life.

But it wasn't enough to simply avoid detection. She had to protect Orm, too. Ling's eyes darkened as she thought of her girlfriend. Apinan's men were ruthless, and she couldn't risk them getting too close to her. She needed someone to keep an eye on Orm, someone she trusted.

That's when Kai came into play.

Later that night Kai sat across from Ling in the dimly lit apartment, the tension between them palpable as they discussed their next move. Ling had always been one step ahead, but even she knew that Apinan was no fool. The walls were closing in, and it was only a matter of time before their carefully constructed plan came under scrutiny.

"We need to stay ahead of him," Ling said, her voice low but steady. "I've already thrown off his men for now, but it won't last. They'll start digging, and when they do, we need to be ready."

Kai nodded, his fingers tapping against his knee as he processed the situation. "What's your plan?"

Ling's eyes gleamed, a wicked smile playing at the corners of her lips. "We give him something to chase. I've got a few more tricks up my sleeve, and with your help, we'll make sure Apinan's too busy chasing shadows to realize what's really happening."

Orm, who had been quietly listening, moved closer to Ling, her hand resting gently on her arm. "What do we need to do?"

Ling's expression softened as she looked at Orm, her resolve hardening. "We play our roles perfectly. I'll continue my little act as the clueless barista, and you... just keep being you. But stay out of sight as much as you can. I don't want them getting too close to you."

Orm nodded, her eyes full of trust. "I'll be careful."

Ling reached into her bag and pulled out a small envelope, handing it to Kai. "Inside is a list of Apinan's known associates and a few other details. I need you to start tracking their movements. If we can find out who's pulling the strings behind his operation, we can cripple him from the inside."

Kai smirked, pocketing the envelope. "Consider it done."

Ling stood, stretching her arms. "Good. Now, I need to head back to the café before anyone notices I'm missing."

Orm followed her to the door, her hand lingering on Ling's arm. "Be careful."

Ling smiled, leaning in to press a soft kiss to her lips. "Always."

Apinan sat in his office, watching the city lights flicker against the dark sky. His mind was racing, trying to piece together the fragments of information his men had brought back. So far, there was nothing—just routine errands, coffee runs, and late-night shifts. But he wasn't convinced. Something wasn't adding up.

His phone buzzed, and he picked it up to see a message from Thanom.

"We've obtained footage from the café. Sending it now."

Apinan opened the file, his eyes narrowing as he watched Ling go about her day. Every interaction, every conversation seemed so... normal. But he knew better. There was no way someone like Ling could be this ordinary. She was hiding something.

But what?

Just then, his phone buzzed again. Another message from Thanom.

"The security team from the gala has arrived. They're waiting downstairs."

A slow smile crept across Apinan's face as he stood, straightening his suit jacket. "Finally," he muttered to himself, heading for the door.

The game was far from over.


Author's Note: Ayyee! Can I just say how much I'm LOVING writing this whole story?! It's getting so fuuunnnnn! 😆

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