2.Office Antics: William Davesworth

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Bella's POV:

"Good morning! Everyone" I pressed the house's alarm bell to wake everyone up. Everyone? Not literally everyone. Dada, sister, and my adorable little brother. Mommy is out of town for work.

I let out a loud cry, "Everyone wake up, the breakfast is ready," three times. And there they were, each one of them. Squinting, yawning, and wobbling as if they had been into some hard-core liquor. 

My five-year-old brother Brandon, who acts twenty, whimpers, "Man, it's seven in the morning."

I give him a stern look and point him in the direction of the dinner table. "Woman, it's already SEVEN FIFTEEN in the morning."

"Good morning, sissy," my ten-year-old baby sister Bianca says as she places herself at the table and gives me a peck on the cheek.

"See Bianca woke up early and didn't even complain, Baby you've got to make it a habit." I gave Brandon a quick glance.

"Dada, not so early—it's only seven in the morning," I grumbled as I watched him get ready to go in his work uniform as I was still waiting for him to finish his breakfast.

I could feel Brandon's bemused expression to my "Just seven" remark.

He hurried to the workplace after saying, "Bell, I would love to but I've got some important task at the office today so some other day maybe, bye." In my whole life, I have never seen a man as dedicated to his career as Dada. Together, Mommy and Dadda are the sources of my inspiration.

Brandon gave me a menacing glance as soon as dada departed.

He ate a full sandwich and grumbled, "How come it was ALREADY SEVEN for me but "only seven" for dada, that's unfair."

I teased him about chatting while he was eating, "Woman, No talking while you eat," and before I left for the gym, I asked him to finish his course book.

"Oh, Man, come on," he muttered.

"Bianca, baby, take care of him and don't be distracted by his senseless gossip," I said, knowing that my brother was the gossip girl in the home. Responsible for all miscommunications within the home, with neighbours, and with relatives.

After one hour of gym from 8 to 9, I had a shower and dressed in my uniform, ready to head for the workplace.

"Babies, let's go" I shut the gate and led them to their school bus while they kissed me on the cheek.

They yelled "Bye" from the bus till it was no longer visible anywhere.

I was waiting for a cab when a car stopped in front of me. I believe I recognize this vehicle. But I hope it isn't of the man in question. I maintained my composure while the vehicle's glass gradually pilled downwards.

Oh, no, no, not again, William Davesworth, the Man of the City. For whom I worked. 

"Get in," he ordered.

Last time he offered me a ride, I originally declined, but he refused to leave. So this time, I favoured both of us and got in the car, not wanting to cause any trouble. Just an ill-mannered grown-up baby man who is unaware of gentlemanliness, human decency, and courtesy. Did not even bother to open the door for me. There's nothing I can expect from him anyway. Not that he is obligated to, and there are numerous more actions taken by this individual that serve as evidence of his rudeness.

"Obedience, I like it." He smirked.

"Drive please," I said as i checked myself in the mirror. 

"Commanding, as usual." He chuckled.

"I thought you had planned a whole speech about how I should just go away from you, like the last time" He sighed as he accelerated the car.

"Not interested in wasting either of our time." I muttered as I took out the lipstick and began to apply it.

"God, you're just out of this world; you'll kill me one day." He exhaled hard.

"Oh, I am capable of that? Interesting, but I believe I'd like a clear pass, so I'm not interested in that either." I returned my lipstick to the purse.

"First and foremost, yes, you are capable; as for your interest in not surrounding me, we'll see." He spoke slowly, pausing in between.

I knew I was capable of murdering him, but I was also conscious that my interests did not revolve around him, so why was he discussing murder with me? Lord, save me; I pray he isn't willing to kill me. I knew he didn't like me, but I never imagined he hated me to the extend where he would want to kill me.

"Miss, we've reached." He brought me back to reality because I had become too preoccupied with my impending demise. I am alive. Wow

"Thanks Mr Davesworth." I smiled. God, I detest him so much for everything he's done to me over the last five years.

"Anytime, malady." He smirked again. God, why does he have to do this? He knows he's attractive. God send help!

I get to the conference room first, and as usual, I am not late. VICTORY. I'm always first person to enter the room.

Davis a collegue of mine smiled at me and sat next to me.

"Good morning, Miss Punctual." "How are you doing?" He extended his arms forward, and just as I was about to reciprocate, we were halted by a voice I recognized. AGAIN.

"Formal pleasantries later, Mr. Davis. I think I'd like you a little closer to me, so maybe you should take a seat here." He looked at the chair next to him and then looked at me, leaving me with Jenna and Olivia by either of my sides.

Excellent anti-woman dude. He always wants every male in his immediate vicinity. I sometimes think he's gay.  

 However, WHY on earth does he not want me to socialize? He always interrupts me when I'm speaking with someone, and he always needs to get me out of the good situations. I genuinely detest him greatly.

"And Miss Caswell, attention here and eyes on me." With an angry tone he clenched his jaw and commenced the presentation.

Rude as always, even though I've always paid attention to him and my eyes, always on him. I mean on the presentation.

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