11.Office Showdown: Olivia's Wrath and William's Protective Maneuvers

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William's POV:

The morning after the party is chaotic. The office is buzzing with its usual energy, but my mind is focused on one thing—Olivia. I've been dreading this moment since I saw her at the party, and sure enough, she's here, storming through the office with an anger that's almost palpable.

I see her from my office window, her face set in a determined scowl as she marches down the hallway. She spots me and heads straight in my direction, and I can already sense the confrontation coming. I brace myself, knowing this isn't going to be pretty.

As soon as she bursts into my office, she doesn't waste any time. "So, you've moved on to someone new, huh?" Her voice is sharp, her eyes flashing with a mixture of anger and hurt. "Is that what this is about? You and Bella? I saw you two leaving together. What's the deal?"

I take a deep breath, trying to maintain my composure. "Olivia, this isn't the place or the time for this conversation. I don't owe you an explanation about my personal life."

Her eyes narrow, and she steps closer, her voice dropping to a dangerous whisper. "Don't play games with me, William. I'm not stupid. If you think you can just replace me and get away with it, you're wrong. I won't let you or that girl—Bella—get away with this."

I feel a surge of frustration. Olivia's always been vindictive, but I didn't think she'd go this far. She's known for holding grudges and using her connections to make life difficult for anyone who crosses her. And now, it seems like Bella is her new target.

"Olivia, you need to leave," I say firmly, my patience wearing thin. "This is a professional environment, and your personal grievances have no place here. If you can't respect that, I'll have to ask you to leave."

Her expression darkens, and she crosses her arms, clearly unwilling to back down. "I'm not going anywhere until I've made it clear that I'm not happy with what's going on. I'll find a way to make sure Bella knows exactly what kind of person you are—and what kind of person she's getting involved with."

My frustration peaks. I don't want to make this a bigger issue than it needs to be, but I also can't let Alisha's threats go unchallenged. I need to find a way to protect Bella from Olivia's vindictive schemes, but I have to be smart about it. I can't let my anger get in the way of finding a solution.

"Fine," I say, trying to keep my tone even. "If you're going to be unreasonable, I'll have to involve HR. This behavior is unacceptable."

Her eyes flash with defiance, but she doesn't say anything else. Instead, she turns on her heel and storms out of my office, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I know I need to act quickly. Olivia can be dangerously manipulative, and I can't afford to let her get close to Bella. I need to find a way to distance Olivia from the office and keep her away from Bella without making it obvious that I'm involved.

I make a quick call to HR, explaining that Olivia's behavior has become problematic and that her recent conduct is affecting the work environment. It's a delicate situation, but I need to ensure that they take it seriously and take action.

While I wait for HR to respond, I start thinking about how I can keep an eye on Bella. I need to be subtle about it—make sure she's protected without making it obvious that I'm stepping in. I can't let Olivia's schemes ruin her life or her career.

As the day goes on, I find myself constantly checking in with my team and monitoring any interactions Bella has with others. I want to make sure she's not being targeted, and if she is, I need to be ready to step in and address the situation without drawing attention to myself.

It's a stressful day, but I'm determined to protect Bella from Olivia's wrath. I know it's going to be a challenging balancing act, but I can't afford to let anything happen to her. Not after everything that's happened between us.

The stakes are high, and I have to be careful not to let my personal feelings cloud my judgment. If Olivia  is determined to make Bella's life difficult, then I need to be just as determined to keep her safe, no matter what it takes.

The next morning, I've decided to take decisive action to protect Bella. Olivia's threats have made it clear that she's not going to let up, and I need to find a way to keep her safe from the fallout. I can't afford to let her become a pawn in Olivia's game.

I make my way to Bella's office, a plan already in motion. I need to be careful with my approach; I can't let on that my motives are anything other than professional. I have to present this as an opportunity for her career, not as a forced relocation.

When I reach her desk, she's busy with her work. I clear my throat to get her attention, and she looks up, her expression guarded. I can tell she's still unsure about everything that happened last night.

"Bella," I start, trying to sound as neutral as possible, "I need to discuss something important with you."

She raises an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "Yes, sir?" I hated this so-called professionalism she implemented with me but i didn't react.

I take a deep breath and present my case. " Mr. Brown project requires immediate attention. Given your expertise and the current workload, I think you'd be the perfect fit for it. However, it's a high-priority project, and it's based out in my apartment."

Her eyes widen slightly, and I can see the confusion and concern flicker across her face. "I already rejected this for the 2nd time and you want me to move to your partment for this project?"

I can see the hesitation in her eyes. She's obviously not thrilled about the idea, but she's also aware that she doesn't have much of a choice. I've effectively put her in a position where she feels compelled to agree. 

"William," she says slowly, "This really unnecessary. I won't work for this project i had made it crystal clear."

I keep my tone firm but calm. "Bella, I understand this is an imposition, but it's critical for the success of the project. I'm offering you this opportunity because I believe in your skills, but it comes with the condition of being on-site. It's the only way to ensure the project's success and keep you away from potential disruptions. And it's an order from boss to an employee, professionalism includes obedience in workspace."

She looks down, clearly weighing her options. After a long pause, she sighs, clearly frustrated but resigned. "Fine. I'll do it. But can't I work from the office? Moving to an apartment is a big step, and I wasn't prepared for this."

I nod, maintaining a serious expression. "Yes. It's crucial for the project's success that you're close. This will give you the best chance to work closely and ensure everything runs smoothly. The conditions are non-negotiable, and it's a temporary arrangement until the project is completed." 

"Consider done, sir." Again I was so frustrated that she agreed because her boss told her to not me as a person. But atleast she agreed.

I nod, relieved that she's agreed, even if reluctantly. "Thank you, Khushi. I appreciate your flexibility. I'll make sure the logistics are arranged, and you'll receive all the details about the project and the apartment soon."

As she returns to her work, I can't help but feel a twinge of guilt. I'm manipulating the situation to protect her, but it's a necessary measure. I have to keep her safe from Olivia's potentially harmful plans, and this is the only way I can think of to do that while keeping her close and away from the chaos Olivia could create.

I just hope that, in the end, she'll understand why I did this—even if it means making her life more complicated in the short term. For now, all I can do is ensure that the project goes smoothly and that she remains out of harm's way.

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