12.Forced Relocation: Bella, William's Demands and Family Ties

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Bella's POV:

This morning has been a whirlwind. William's decision to make me work on Mr. Brown's project and move to his apartment has left me reeling. I can't believe he's forcing me into this, and the thought of leaving my family behind is breaking my heart.

I try to keep my emotions in check as I pack a few essentials. I'm angry and frustrated, but I don't want to add to my family's stress. They've always been my rock, and the last thing I want is for them to worry about me or think I'm in trouble.

When I finally head home, I put on a brave face. I know my mom, dad, and siblings will see right through me if I'm not careful. As soon as I walk in, my little brother and sister run up to me, eager to greet me.

"Sissy!" my little sister squeals, wrapping her arms around me. "You're home early!"

"Hey, guys," I say, forcing a smile. "Yeah, I got off work a bit early today."

Mommy, always perceptive, notices something off about me. She comes over and hugs me, her eyes filled with concern. "You look a bit pale, dear. Everything okay?"

I nod quickly, not wanting to get into the details. "Oh, it's nothing. Just a bit tired. You know how work can be."

Dada comes over with my little brother in tow. "How's everything going at the office?" he asks, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"It's been busy," I reply, trying to sound casual. "But nothing I can't handle."

As we sit down for dinner, I try to keep the conversation light and upbeat. I don't want them to suspect anything, especially not with everything that's happening. The last thing I need is for them to worry about me moving away for a project.

After dinner, I gather my courage and tell them about the move, carefully crafting my story. "So, there's a new project at work, and I'll need to be on-site for a while. It's just a temporary thing, and it'll be good for my career."

Mommy looks at me with a mix of concern and pride. "Are you sure you're okay with this, Bella? It sounds like a big change."

"Yeah, I'm fine," I lie, forcing a cheerful tone. "It's a great opportunity, and I think it'll be good for me."

Dada nods, though his expression is a bit guarded. "Well, if you think it's best, we support you. Just make sure you take care of yourself."

I give them a grateful smile, trying to hide the turmoil inside me. "I will, Dada. Thanks."

The rest of the evening is spent trying to act normal, but it's a struggle. My mind is constantly on the upcoming move and the separation from my family. I hate that William has put me in this position, forcing me to leave everything and everyone I love behind.

As I finish packing, I can't shake the feeling of resentment toward him. I'm angry that he's made this decision for me, angry that I'm being forced to prioritize work over my family. But what choice do I have? I can't afford to ignore this project, especially when it's clear that William is determined to have me work on it.

I lie down in bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to calm my racing thoughts. I hope i can complete this project as soon as possible. I can only hope that this project is worth all the upheaval and that I can find a way to balance my work and my personal life. For now, all I can do is take this step and hope for the best.

I woke up groggy and disoriented, the morning sun already flooding my room. Late. I'd slept far later than I intended, thanks to tossing and turning all night. The thought of leaving my family had kept me up, and now, I had no time to indulge in my usual morning routine.

Rushing to pack, I tried to push the overwhelming feelings of resentment down, but they bubbled up as I shoved clothes into my suitcase. Why did William have to put me in this position? Why did it have to be *his* decision that uprooted my life like this?

Just as I zipped up my bag, my phone rang. William's name flashed on the screen. I sighed, knowing I couldn't ignore him. Not now, anyway.

"Hello?" I answered, keeping my tone neutral.

"I've sent a driver to pick you up," his voice was firm, like he had it all under control. Like *he* always did.

I didn't even bother arguing. What was the point? "Fine," I replied curtly, hanging up before he could say anything more.

The ride to the apartment felt longer than it was. I stared out the window, feeling the weight of everything hit me all over again. This wasn't just about the project—it was about being forced into a space I didn't want to be in, with a man who seemed to be messing with my life in more ways than one.

When we pulled up to the apartment building, I couldn't deny how stunning it was. High-end, sleek, and probably cost more than I could ever imagine affording. But that wasn't the point. No amount of luxury could make this situation easier.

I stepped inside and immediately felt the tension settle in my chest. William's apartment was just down the hall from mine. *Great,* I thought sarcastically. Not only would I be working with him, but now I'd be living next to him.

As I set my bags down in the spacious, modern apartment, I felt a knot form in my stomach. I wasn't sure what unnerved me more—the proximity or the undeniable tension that had been building between us. It was hard enough dealing with William's intense stares at the office. But here? In this space where there were no colleagues or meetings to distract us? It was like the air itself had thickened, charged with something I couldn't quite name but could definitely feel.

I hadn't even seen him yet, but I knew it was only a matter of time. The thought of running into him made my heart race in a way I hated admitting.

The knock came sooner than I expected.

I opened the door, and there he was, standing in the hallway, looking as collected as ever. But there was something in his eyes—something simmering beneath the surface. His presence filled the space, making the already-intense atmosphere almost unbearable.

"Welcome to your new temporary home," he said, his voice calm, but I could hear the tension lacing his words.

"Thanks," I said flatly, trying to keep my composure. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing how much this affected me. He was the reason I was here, after all.

But the way his eyes lingered on me... it made me feel like this was more than just a work arrangement. It was too close, too complicated. And now, with no real escape, I knew the tension between us was only going to get worse.

This was going to be far more difficult than I'd imagined.

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