15. Day of Laughs

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Bella's POV:

I was in the middle of my nightly beauty ritual, rollers in my hair, face mask on, and wearing my shortest pajamas. I knew I looked ridiculous, but it was my time to unwind, and frankly, I didn't care what I looked like.

Just as I was about to apply a new layer of moisturizer, the door swung open. And there he was—William. I had completely forgotten he was supposed to come over for some final touches on our project. His eyes widened as he stumbled into the room, taking in the sight of me.

For a moment, he just stared, blinking rapidly as if trying to process what he was seeing. Then he burst into laughter.

"What in the world?" he managed to say between fits of giggles. "Is this some kind of Halloween rehearsal, or did I walk into a comedy show?"

I rolled my eyes, trying to keep my cool despite the embarrassment creeping up my neck. "Very funny, William. If you're done laughing at my expense, we do have work to finish."

"Oh, I'm not done yet," he said, barely containing his laughter. "I mean, look at you! Those rollers make you look like a walking hair salon advertisement. And those pajamas? They're something else. I didn't realize I was stepping into a pajama fashion show."

I couldn't help but chuckle despite my irritation. "Oh, shut up. I could say the same about your outfit. What is that, a wrinkled shirt and jeans? You look like you just rolled out of bed yourself."

His eyes sparkled with mischief. "Touché. But seriously, those shorts you're wearing—very catchy. You should wear them more often when you're just lounging around. It's a look."

"Oh, so now you're a fashion critic?" I shot back, feigning shock. "Next, you'll be telling me how to wear my rollers properly."

He grinned, leaning against the door frame. "I might just do that. I've got plenty of tips. Like, if you're going to rock the 'hair salon chic' look, you need to commit. Maybe a matching robe next time?"

We continued to roast each other back and forth. It felt like one of those endless teasing sessions where neither of us wanted to back down. At one point, I even teased him about his coldness.

"You know, for someone who acts so aloof, you sure do have a lot to say," I said with a smirk. "Maybe you should try being less of a jerk and more of a—"

"—a charming gentleman?" he finished for me, winking. "Is that what you want? Well, I guess you'll have to wait until I'm not so busy laughing at your ridiculous get-up."

The back-and-forth continued, with him making fun of my face mask and me making jabs about his poker face. It was like we were performing for an audience, and our antics were nothing short of a comedy routine.

Finally, as the laughter died down and we both tried to catch our breath, I realized something. Despite everything—the teasing, the laughter, the flirtation—there was a strange warmth in the air. Maybe, just maybe, this was what it felt like when we weren't at each other's throats or pretending not to care.

And for the first time in a long while, I found myself actually enjoying his company.

This morning started off as usual. I woke up, made myself a simple breakfast, and then headed out to the gym. It was a good way to clear my mind and get some energy flowing. I was in and out quickly, focusing on my workout and enjoying the brief escape from the chaos.

When I finished up at the gym and walked back to the apartment, I was feeling pretty accomplished. I turned the corner, expecting to see the usual quiet of our building. Instead, I spotted William, just coming back from his run.

He looked surprised when he saw me. I could almost see the question forming in his eyes.

"Wow, Bella, you're up and about early," he said, his tone a mix of surprise and curiosity. "I didn't realize you were into working out. I thought you were more of a... late riser."

I laughed, shaking my head. "Well, it seems like you don't know everything about me after all. I like to mix things up sometimes. Plus, I need to stay active if I want to keep up with you and your competitive streak."

He raised an eyebrow, still looking slightly stunned. "I didn't know you had it in you. I guess I'm learning new things about you every day."

I shrugged, enjoying the playful banter. "What can I say? I'm full of surprises. Besides, you weren't the only one with a morning routine."

He chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "Fair point. I guess I've got to keep up if I want to stay ahead of you."

As we both headed into the building, the unexpected encounter left me feeling strangely buoyant. It was nice to see him caught off guard, and even better to see him react so casually to something he didn't expect. It was a refreshing change from our usual dynamic.

Maybe today was just one of those days where things felt a little lighter. 

The day was filled with a whirlwind of activity as William and I worked together on the project. We spent almost the entire day in each other's company, and it was... intense.

From the moment we started, it was clear that the air between us was charged. William was in full flirtation mode, tossing jokes and playful barbs at me like it was his mission for the day.

"Careful, Bella," he said with a mischievous grin. "I wouldn't want you to get too caught up in this project. You might actually start enjoying my company."

I rolled my eyes, trying to focus on the work in front of me. "Oh, please. As if I don't already enjoy your company. This is just another day in the office."

He chuckled, leaning over the table to get a better look at the documents. "You know, for someone who tries so hard to act all professional, you've got a pretty good sense of humor. It's almost like you're secretly a stand-up comedian."

"Is that so?" I replied, giving him a side glance. "Well, you're one to talk. I've seen your stand-up act, and let me tell you, it's not going to win any awards."

He laughed heartily, clearly enjoying the back-and-forth. "Touché! But seriously, Bella, those new glasses you're wearing—are they a fashion statement or just an attempt to look smarter?"

"Ha ha," I said sarcastically. "If you're done roasting me, maybe we can get back to actually making some progress here."

His eyes twinkled with amusement. "Alright, alright. But don't think I'm done with the jokes just yet. I've got a whole arsenal ready."

Throughout the day, the playful banter continued. Every time I thought I'd escaped one of his jokes, another would come flying in. His flirtation was a constant undercurrent, and his teasing was relentless.

At one point, while we were sorting through some paperwork, he looked up and said, "You know, for someone who spends so much time in the gym, you sure do have a knack for making paperwork look like a workout."

I couldn't help but laugh. "You really are on a roll today, aren't you? What's next, a comedy routine?"

He grinned. "Maybe. Or maybe I'm just trying to keep you entertained. You're the one who looks like you could use a laugh."

The tension was palpable, but it wasn't uncomfortable. It was charged with a playful energy that made the day feel less like work and more like a high-stakes game.

Despite the constant teasing and flirtation, we actually made a lot of progress. And as the day wore on, I found myself enjoying the unexpected lightness of our interactions. William's jokes and flirtation were like a strange kind of rhythm that kept the day moving in an unpredictable, but oddly enjoyable way.

By the time we wrapped up, I was exhausted but strangely satisfied. The day had been full of tension and laughter, and somehow, it had made the work seem less daunting.

As we packed up to leave, I shot him a playful look. "You know, for someone who spends so much time roasting me, you're not half bad to work with."

He winked, looking as smug as ever. "Glad to hear it. Maybe next time, I'll bring the stand-up routine."

I laughed, shaking my head. "I'll be sure to have my best material ready."

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