40.The Depths of Connection.

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Bella's POV:

When I woke up and reached for him, the cold emptiness beside me was startling. William was no longer there. My fingers trailed across the bed, but the warmth from his body had faded. Something felt... off. I glanced down and noticed that the bed sheets weren't the same. They were fresh, crisp, and almost too perfect. Confused, I slid out of bed, my bare feet hitting the cool floor as I made my way to the window.

Drawing the curtains aside, I saw them—the bed sheets. They were outside, hung up neatly to dry, swaying gently in the morning breeze. Those were the ones he replaced. William. My heart fluttered at the thought of him.

I turned around, searching for any sign of him. The room felt strangely empty, yet there was a lingering presence of him everywhere. That's when I saw it—a letter, resting on the nightstand. My breath caught. He had left me a note.

With trembling fingers, I reached for it, feeling a mix of curiosity and unease settle within me.

My Dearest Bella,

I hope this letter finds you as peacefully as you looked when you fell asleep in my arms last night. I couldn't bear to wake you, so after you drifted off, I quietly got up. I noticed the blood on the bed sheets and couldn't let the remnants of that moment linger. So, I gently moved you to the sofa and washed them myself, replacing them with fresh ones, all while watching you sleep. You have no idea how beautiful you looked, even in those quiet, vulnerable moments.

I did it not just to care for you, but to preserve something about this night. The intimacy we shared went beyond what words can express. It felt like more than just us—it was as though every piece of my soul had been consumed by you. I can't explain it, Bella, but you've taken me entirely, in ways I never imagined possible.

And yet, my mind has been restless, unable to stop at the thought that you might possibly want to be with me like that again. The mere fact that you would even consider it, that you would want me again—if I'm lucky enough—is astonishing to me. I feel like I could spend a lifetime waiting for that moment, and still be surprised by how much I desire it when it comes.

I feel like you are my final destination, the only place I truly belong. It's as if my entire existence has been leading me to you. No matter where I go, no matter what happens, I know I'll always fall for you again and again, in every universe, in every life. It doesn't matter what body your soul is wrapped in—I would recognize you anywhere. You've imprinted yourself on every fibre of my being.

There's no escape from this love, and honestly, I wouldn't want one. You are mime forever, Bella, and I will keep choosing you, again and again, in every universe, in every lifetime.

Yours William.

Lost in my thoughts, I barely heard the soft knock on my door until my mom's voice drifted in. "Bella, sweetie? Is everything okay in there? I heard some noises last night."

I quickly stuffed the letter under my pillow, trying to keep my flustered expression at bay. "Oh, you know, just me practicing my interpretive dance routine! It's a work in progress." I shot back, trying to sound nonchalant.

Her laughter came through the door, light and teasing. "Interpretive dance, huh? I didn't realize we had a future Broadway star in the family. Do I need to prepare for an audition?"

I grinned, unable to help myself. "Absolutely! I'll have you front row, popcorn in hand. It'll be the biggest flop since that musical about a dancing potato."

"Now that sounds like a hit!" she replied, her tone playful. "But really, you don't need to perform for me. Just tell me if something's wrong. I swear, I'm not ready for late-night drama!"

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