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The scene shows Oswald groaning and waking up in a cell. He felt his face was bruised and held it.

Oswald: Ow, what happened?

He then recalled that he was in the tunnels and wound up here.

Oswald: That's right, we got caught.

He tries to stand up, but finds that he was clamped to a ball and chain, along with his wrists in cuffs. Oswald begins to try and break free from them, but found it very difficult.

Oswald: Huh? Why can't I break free?

???: Don't even bother to try.

He looks up and sees Knightwalker outside his cell.

Knightwalker: Those chains were designed to even contain a magical beast. You may have strength, but even that won't free you.

Oswald: Where're my friends? You better not have hurt them. I don't care if you look like Erza, I will fight you!

Knightwalker: If you value their lives, you'll remain silent. Now come.

The cell opens and with ease, Knightwalker grabs Oswald out and they walk out the cell.

Knightwalker: His majesty wanted to see you in the royal throne room.

They walk to the room and saw the king on his throne while crystals were forming from him.

Knightwalker: (bows) Your majesty, I've brought the child.

Yeager looks down and sees Oswald glaring at him.

Yeager: (smirks) That's quite the glare you got there. Perhaps you could be me, if you have the fire to back it up.

Oswald: Where're my friends?

Yeager: The cats you had are back on Extalia, not that it matters. With the humans, the Dragon Slayers will be harvested for their magic powers to complete the plan. As for the blonde, she's in a cell for the time being. If she behaves, perhaps I'll spare her as a slave.

Oswald: She's my big sister you jerk! They're all my family, along with the rest you took in that giant lacrima!

Yeager: Is that so? Then I'll make sure they all are killed before you die.

Oswald: Why are you doing this?! What did my world do to yours?!

Yeager: Simple—you exist with magic power. That alone is enough for me to desire your destruction.

Oswald: Huh?

Yeager: As you already know, this world's magic is depleting more and more. The previous king, Faust, had created the Anima spell to take chunks of your world and add its very magic to Edolas. However, he was nothing more than a senile old man who lacked the drive to go beyond. So, I stepped up and took over. But not before setting an example of how strong I am.

Oswald looks over to the wall, and to his horror, sees the head of an old man encased in crystal with a look of fear on his face.

Yeager: He desired power out of fear. I desire it out of the drive to be strong. You see, I am the only human in this world born with natural magic in his veins. And therefore, I am the only one worthy of the throne.

Oswald: You killed your king just because you can use magic?

Yeager: Yes. At first, his followers didn't like it, but they soon learned their place. Isn't that right, Erza?

Said woman in question nods yes, and it was for a moment, but Oswald swore she had a brief look of fear in her eyes. It makes Oswald more angry and tries to break free.

Kaiju Slayer No. 2 (Fairy Tail OC Story)Where stories live. Discover now